Oh yeah I agree with you on that one. It was so annoying even with summons that I completely removed it from my mind lol

I have no idea who you are talking about then because every boss is perfectly doable alone. The only ones I didn't fight alone are Bayle and the final boss so I can't speak for them. Maybe Jori might be the only one

I mean that you are not obliged to use them, they are just an additional tool. The bosses are mainly designed as a solo fight


The game is not made to be played with summons. You just don't want to bother with learning the boss' moveset. And that's fine, but it doesn't mean that the game isn't balanced around playing it solo

Edit: what I meant is that the game is not balanced exclusively around summons, like the comment I replied to implies

But you don't need to max out, that's the point. Between lvl16 and lvl20 (12 scadu fragments) there's only a 10% difference

So when the base game puts you in front of a hard boss and you have to explore to get more runes it's peak game design, but when the DLC does the same with the scadu fragments it's annoying?

I can understand if you are on the second run and don't want to explore the whole world again but even then you can just use a wiki. You are basically complaining because you have to explore the world in an open world game

We are talking about the weapons, not the overall content

Can we please stop with the mimic posts, they are literally all the same

DS2 Enjoyer (I actually hate it)

Maybe Margit?

:Yeezus2: YEEZUS 2

This rollout is getting worse day by day, I wonder how low it can get

Yeah, it's really disappointing how few variations of the new weapons there are in the dlc

I'm not even offended by this, I'm genuinely asking: why turning black people into white people is racist but turning white people into black people is supposedly good? Or was this just done to troll people?

It has never happened to me as far as I remember, especially in the dlc

Most people in this sub won't bother learning a boss' moveset and then complain that said boss in unfair

You should use a flask when it's safe to do so (aka when a boss ends its combo or is already committed to an attack that will not hit you). I don't understand why you are saying that it's more fair in sekiro but it works in the same exact way in both games

Nope, it has always been slower

You don't need Miyazaki's words to understand that most bosses aren't designed as a 2v1 fight.

I'm not saying that using summons is bad. I myself used mimic tear on 2 bosses that I still haven't managed to fight alone. I just want to say that they are clearly there to make the game easier for those that find the game too hard and they are just not comparable to the level up mechanic

I'll repeat it again: elden ring is an rpg and as such, leveling up is the main mechanic and the intended way to play the game. Everyone that plays the game normally will level up. Summons are an additional tool to help those who struggle, since it's a hard game.

I'm not saying that summons are bad, just that it's stupid to compare them to leveling up. Bosses are balanced around levels, but not around summons

Leveling up is the intended way to play the game, summons are just there to help those who struggle with it

Non è che skyrim sia tanto meglio eh