Uk it ?? Do u know where i can buy it

Tfff is wrong with them? They are saying things i guess even ISLAM didnt say it Why its forbidden for womens?

I swear i tried Did i find result? Nop i didnt cuz tht i came here Idk wtf is wrong with those ppl Im asking here is there something bothering u ? So skip it and shut up Ez

Nop ig consol can give 4K and Ultra Texture not ultra graphic Lol Microsoft

Are all games on PS5/XBX plays on ultra texture ?Question

GUys im getting this summer a PS5 or XBX
and im wonering abt graphics settings i'd like to play games on ultra texture with good resulation
ive 4k QLED TV but
on PC i usually play on ultra texture and on console idk
would my ps5 runs game on ultra texture with 4k resolutions?

in the otherhand both can run 4k right? i mean the xbox

i got u buddy but are they ultratexture ? ive some nerves when it comes to seeing pixels
cuz that i wanna enable FXAA and MSAA

on series x and ps5 are Ultra Texture ?