Consent doesn’t go out the window when ur in a relationship. Is she not allowed to say no or refuse sex? 🙄

True. There was also a legal limit on channels that foreigners could perform on though. He could only perform on 3

Han geng used to have to wear face covering masks and helmets on broadcasted performances

People have different standards of intimacy that don’t have to make sense to you. I don’t understand why people have to die on this hill of consent or lack of consent being “irrational.” Whether or not it makes sense to you is completely irrelevant

When were police good and helpful? Racial profiling and classism and corruption and mass incarceration of innocents have existed since the creation of the institution. This trial isn’t even the worst of the worst. Not even close. I don’t know how you could say any of this when you lived through the civil rights movement.

No one is saying that they’re intentionally trying to hurt you. Having an eating disorder or body dysmoprhia doesn’t mean that social awareness and tact and empathy and respect go out of the window. Ppl can be disordered and still do things that are not acceptable. Such as, venting about being fat to someone who, in OP’s case, is visibly and obviously thinner than the person they’re venting to. You are coddling the mentally ill and don’t even realize it

Talking about how fat and gross they are? To a bigger person? Ok lol. OP is right - they’re allowed to feel insecure, but they shouldn’t make it everyone’s problem and announce their insecurities to someone who has the exact insecurity.

Funny u say that when the ppl venting about being “so fat” r doing that exact thing

Hypochlorous acid throughout the day is so helpful!

It’s different to talk about these struggles and thoughts to a therapist or trusted friend who is willing to listen, but it’s no one’s responsibility to deal with your mental illness. Coming from someone who has been bulimic for a decade. Casual comments like “im so fat” are tone deaf and help no one.

Sure. I’m just proposing a different motivation. I could be too naive, but it’s baffling to me that someone could openly fetishize someone and not know that it’s at least awkward/inappropriate. “Your race is my sexual preference” is just so obviously gross. Then again, humans are disappointing and stupid and they could see it as complimentary

I don’t think people catcall bc they think it’s complimentary. A lot of them do it because they get off on making you uncomfortable and flustered. Personally, I got cat called way more at 13-16 than I do now as an adult who looks like a grownup. I think it’s a power trip for these people

People aren’t downvoting for the reason u think they are.

I agree. I was responding to the comment asking about what the lyric meant. People and their comprehension lol

If there weren’t already problems you can’t wreck a marriage. Implying that their marriage already had issues, which was why she was able to actually do anything Edit: do people think I meant my comment when I was responding to a question asking about the meaning of the lyric?

Oh the gender reversal card so scary what a burn. Nothing changes. Nudity is not an invite. Especially when you chose to vacation in SPAIN of all places

They shouldn’t have vacationed in Spain if they were gonna be this ridiculous and prudish in another country for no reason

Do u sunbathe in a wetsuit. She was laying down on her stomach under the sun to sunbathe. not ass up

Your edit makes no sense. There is a need for the high pitched voice because she sings professionally and does it daily for hours.

Toulouse is very clearly not trained. Not even leash trained which is the bare minimum

The way ppl think this is wholesome is…. No consideration for people with disabilities

I’ve had mine done twice. If you sew them as opposed to cut them especially you usually have to get them redone cuz the sutures loosen