You can run... But you'll only die tired.

So it might be an ashtray. That looks like a military rifle round that was inserted into the glass while it was cooling. I've seen whisk(e)y glasses and others with this design and style. OP, does the base have any slots where a cigarette can sit?

That customer is going to be working on memory problems for a bit.

Did you hear the bell ring from their ads, when he slammed him?

This is good to know, not that I plan on visiting FL ever again lol.

That's just insane that this panther could be there watching you mow the lawn, waiting for its chance.

He don't need that jaw. That side to side... Holy shit.

Holy shit!!! They dropped the ball so damn bad. I'm a black dude, and I have to say WTF on those additions?

I watched a video where the individual was basically referring to their own raw reaction in situations like this. He had someone knocking on his door at an extremely odd hour, and answered with pretty much rage. It was a special needs adult man that was lost and lived a few doors down. He said the look that man gave him, changed his life.

We can be protective and defensive without presenting it in such a manner, if that makes sense.

Nationwide in the US, police departments took more in civil asset forfeiture seizures, than the value of theft crime that occurred. I doubt it's changed.