Poor Janessa. The hell fear-mongering is so real. I have memories of being about 10 years old in church service with a growling stomach during the extra-long altar call final hymn. And 2 brothers went down. I made the mistake of sighing while the preacher kept on talking for ten or so more minutes and my stomach kept growling loud enough to be heard. When we finally made it out to the car my mother didn't start the engine and spent several minutes yelling at me for being disrespectful, saying that those boys would have gone to hell if they hadn't been brave enough to go down there and I needed to fix my attitude or I'd go to hell too blah blah blah. All that just because I was hungry and wanted lunch.

She describes herself as "spiritually private." She definitely isn't trying to convert people or witnessing to others on social media, if that's what you mean.

Um... can any of these guys lead or provide for a family? Oh, wait - I see they included "tall" and "juggle" and "flexible ankles" as important qualities.

If Lori's an example of loving others, I can't imagine what hating others looks like.

I wish I had been that lucky. 4th grade, I was the only one, and she did NOT get fired. She had a reputation for singling out one or two students every year, and she deserves whatever the universe does to her.

Yes. I swear these people intentionally try to break us. I once had a teacher who refused to let me go to the bathroom when I asked. If I wet myself, I got yelled at and called a stupid baby. Christian school. I hope there is a God so they can answer for how they treated us.

Yes. Modest dress in the name of religion (evangelical). I was not a popular child.

I will binge eat if I'm not careful. It was very common for me to ask about dinner and get told "We'll eat in just a minute! We just have to do this one more chore!" for an hour or more. Then when I finally got food, I was told to eat it in a hurry because more chores.

"We hit them and yelled at them so much that they were afraid to say a word or ask for anything! We wanted adults, not children!"

They insisted I was lazy. I did 90+% of the household chores. But I was angry about it, so that made me lazy. I thought there was something wrong with ME because I walked around in an exhausted blur. Now I know it's not normal for a 12-year-old to crawl around on the floor scrubbing the carpet by hand before painting the shed.

I aspire to reach that level of content obliviousness.

You can totally be a victim of abuse and a perpetrator of abuse. And I like to think that all humans are capable of learning and growth, but we will see.

Yes, you beautiful little orange gremlin. And I promise that your parents love you very much.

She's not snark material. She accepts the beliefs of other people and doesn't try to convert them. She recently posted "I am so grateful that so many of you still choose to give me a chance in spite of being hurt by people who claimed to represent God."

I love Grumpy Barbara! She has very strong RBF.

She's admitted exactly that: She finds it hard to empathize with other people unless she's experienced the same thing. I hope they both go through this little learning experience and come out better people, but we'll see.