Knew this would be one of the first things I see when I opened Reddit this morning šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø

I put some šŸ’°into tilray recently

Wahoo! I put some money into tilray recently so hopefully it pops soon.

Coming from someone who stayed in Tokyo for 2.5 weeks, itā€™s not the same. Im so thankful I got to experience that country.

The food is seriously amazing. Made fresh right in front of you. Iā€™ve made so many friends during my travels through Japan. I even hiked the fushimi Inari Shrine. I donā€™t know if I will ever go back (the airplane ride was rough) but I will forever hold onto those memories.

They might now. I heard in 2023 over 48 percent of first time homebuyers received financial help from family for a down payment for their first home.

How is it not? You build up equity and it gives you so many more options versus renting.

Plus, the last thing you want when youā€™re old is a yearly rent increase.

36 Honda crv 400k net worth with husband šŸ¤£ Iā€™m not rich but I aspire to be

Can you go to a regularly physician and have a yearly physical done and get your moles checked that way or do/should you go to a. Dermatologist for this? Iā€™m trying to get my husband to get his moles professionally checked and heā€™s doing the yearly physical routeā€¦. And hoping the doctor can just check his moles in the process of other stuff.

401k: around 23k.

Pension that has a dollar value: 64k.

I have a stock portfolio that I consider part of my retirement and that has almost 6k in it.

I also have a house (again part of my retirement lol).

36 years old.

My husband has helped me understand the value of benefitsā€¦ the literal value. What I would consider a ā€œlow paying jobā€ now has a bigger meaning when I think about the benefits attached to it.

Iā€™ve had family members and friends obtain jobs that are contract based and think they are getting a great salary when reality, because they are contract, thereā€™s no benefits attached to it. So therefore, they are getting the raw end of the deal.

My parents purchased us to have an RO system installed into our home as a gift.

Iā€™m talking about in older age, when your body canā€™t and you need a place to settle for retirement and not having to worry about the continuous increase of rent.

Having a home has made travel actually easier. My mortgage is set and doesnā€™t increase. I can travel and save money for the next travel. Plus, houses increase at least 3 percent yearly so youā€™re gaining money that way by doing nothing but live there.

Until you canā€™t, cause there will be a time in your life where you canā€™t pick up and travel the world, thatā€™s where owning makes a world of difference.

Been with my husband since the age of 21. Now 36, married and with a kid and a house. Living the dream āœØ

In the end it is choosing one or the other. Putting your child in daycare is choosing someone else to help raise your kid.

Itā€™s ok for mothers and fathers to choose to go down that route. But the issue is that itā€™s expected now for both parents work full time and have their child be put in daycare.

Ughhh I agree!!!! Itā€™s expected for mothers to work full time now and if youā€™re not then itā€™s a ā€œwhatā€™s wrong with you??ā€ I have to there for my son, I will choose him over any degree any day.

Around 360 for the three of usā€¦. And I feel like I have to be creative with the food we buy to make it last šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø it sucks. I honestly wish we could put more money into groceries without stressing.

My husband had a routine dental cleaning and they found a golf size tumor eating away at his mandible just by a routine xray. His jaw was on the edge of breaking spontaneously.

So X-rays are very much needed. He had no signs or symptoms that a tumor was in his jaw.

I donā€™t regret it per se but I wish I maxed out on the loan we were able to get. We bought our house in 2018 while I was pregnant and I told my husband I didnā€™t want to be house poor so we purposefully bought under what we could actually get.

Our house is nice but itā€™s smallā€¦ 1286 sq ft 3 bedroom 2 bath. Itā€™s fine for us. Our mortgage payment is 1340 a month so Iā€™m sooo happy for that! We are able to invest in the stock market and crypto because of it šŸ˜