I made a Facebook just for pics of my daughter. I only added family and a couple close friends. I love showing off my precious girl to the people I trust and who actually give a shit about her growth and milestones.

Definitely think she has potential and I love Wassup. She has a very pretty voice but she needs a little developing. She can be pitchy sometimes and the lyrics are pretty basic. I’ll definitely check her out again when she releases something new.

Lonelyyyyyyyyyy I’m Mr. Lonelyyyyyyyy

Thank you! I think you are right. I’m not so great at styling my short hair but it is probably what’s best.

Okay ladies, how are we fixing this postpartum breakage??Advice

8 months PP. I just started noticing a ton of hair breakage in the front and some thinning on the sides of my head.

Any tips? I used to have thick hair and all through pregnancy and up to now I’ve had no problems. I stopped prenatals about 30 days after baby came.

Funny considering my daughter’s hair is getting thicker and longer by the day!

Please help!

Thems middle school sleepover tingz.

You pierce your ears at home with these items. Ice cube to numb your earlobe, potato behind the earlobe to catch the needle.

I’m so sorry. I’m quitting this year too and I’m worried about how awkward the ending of the year will be. I hope things die down for you soon. Only a few weeks left!!

I feel you! I’m a teacher too. Just had my first. I have no idea what to wear. Nothing looks good and I feel unsure of my style. I feel really frumpy. I decided I’m going to create a capsule wardrobe with quality basics like black and white t shirts and nice jeans. I think it’s a start. I’m going to go in person to try stuff on too. When I buy online it’s never right. Later you can add accent/stylish pieces when you are ready. Until then you would be comfortable/gender neutral until you’re sure about your style.

Good luck!

Did you feel more moody/emotional after baby? I’m 5 months pp. Advice

Hi again,

I’m wondering your thoughts on how your mood changed since having a baby. I started a new job right after my mat leave teaching first grade. I know the situation is stressful but I am breaking down crying almost every day lately from all the pressure.

I know this stressful time will pass, but will the mood? I don’t know what’s going on with me lately. I’m feeling like I don’t know myself sometimes.

My baby is what most people would call “easy”. I never really get stressed with her I just always have a lot to do. Every time I’m crying it’s about my job or just how tired I am mentally.

Thoughts, experiences and advice welcome.

Anyone transition baby to crib at night at 5 months?Advice

My baby is 5 months. She doesn’t like sleeping on her tummy and never rolls to her tummy on her own. (She can roll from belly to back) She’s getting used to napping in her crib throughout the day (we used to let her nap in her swing) and we’re feeling like she’s ready for her crib at night. Are there any risks? I know the SIDS risk goes down a lot by 6 months but it’s feeling like she’s ready. She’s a great sleeper with almost no night wake-ups. Any thoughts? I’m wondering there’s anything I’m not considering.

Those that are one and done, how old is your LO and how is life going for you?Advice

Long story short, I had a traumatic birth and tough recovery. My baby is 5 months. I always thought of having 2 but now I’m thinking about how peaceful life might be if we stick with 1.

My daughter is such an easy and happy baby. We got so lucky with her. I guess I’m wondering if we would regret the choice to stop at 1 later. I’m only 30 and still have plenty of time to wait and think about it but it’s hard to decide such a big factor in our lives. If you chose to just have one, how are you doing? What made you decide to stop at 1? Everyone tells me it’s selfish not to give my LO a sibling and I worry she will want one when she gets older.

That’s crazy. Glad you’re ok! My bp is normal so I find it so odd that my eyes are acting weird.

Anybody’s vision not the same? 3 months PP.Postpartum Recovery

Hi all!

I had preeclampsia and gave birth to my baby at 37 weeks. I had to be on blood pressure medication and I’m still currently on it. I don’t know if I switched to a generic when I refilled or not but I keep getting this tingling headache between my eyebrows and my vision is a little fuzzy.

I check my blood pressure every day and it’s always normal. Did my vision just get worse after having a baby? I remember my vision being weird like this when I first came home from the hospital, but eventually it went away. Now it feels like every now and then I get an onset of blurred vision or sensitivity to light. Has this happened to anyone else?

Just trying to convince myself I don’t have a brain tumor. I had to be readmitted shortly after going home from the hospital because my blood pressure was spiking and they had to reassess my medications, so my health anxiety has been at an all-time high. I’d love to hear your experiences. Thanks!
