:alabama: :wku: Alabama • WKU

Gonna not say secondary, the edge rushers. I can see the secondary exploding right away despite youth but we just don’t have a premier pass rusher like we have, you know, the last 15 years.

:alabama: :wku: Alabama • WKU

I don’t think you have to sacrifice the integrity of the game and reality to get 15 year olds to spam SS and Travis. You can still rate them high and have the rest of the team average/below average

John Calvin once said when God intends to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers. Both of these men are arrogant and ungodly people and this is what we are given due to us spitting in the LORDs face with our sinful, damning pride, our mass unborn child murder and this autonomy that we flaunt that is simply an illusion since Jesus Christ is the Lord of all creation including every single body. I hope that Americans turn to Jesus and trust in Him to save you from your sins. True change cannot happen apart from repenting and believing the Gospel.

John 14:6 Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.

Our country kills millions of babies every year and no one bats an eye

:alabama: :wku: Alabama • WKU

Everyone about to get duped by madden in a college skin. This is like in madden when the cowboys are stupid OP every year whether they win the division or are 4-13

:LBCF1689: LBCF 1689

Luther’s commentary on Galatians

The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes

A Lifting Up for the Downcast by William Bridge

All Things for Good by Thomas Watson

They are helping on every drive and have extra help at the rim, what’s he supposed to do? Guys have to make shots on kickouts

Maybe the Celtics should try running their offense through their best player idk

Would not really assume the passing offense is great, WKU grad here who RTR’s. Veltkamp’s first regular season start will be in TTown and i don’t think our DB’s will have a problem jamming WKU’s wideouts. They will probably try and run the ball more than they have the last 3 years since there’s no true gun slinger on the roster.

Say what you want about the path Indy has had to get here, they’re tough. Absolutely deserving to be in this spot.

:LBCF1689: LBCF 1689

I have run into the same problems before with music and TV brother. I will gladly take my downvotes but people who say that we can’t be the Holy Spirit for someone is right and simultaneously wrong, IMO. In the OT Nathan confronted David about his sin and the Holy Spirit owned the words of Nathan’s mouth and convicted him. Peter the same at Pentecost in Acts 2. Where God’s Word is preached, the Holy Spirit is at work. Not that you’re preaching at your wife, but explaining biblically to her your concern. Let me know how you counter this as I need help too.

:LBCF1689: LBCF 1689

Just married here, my wife is not a theology nerd. She’s learning, but bears fruit and desires for the lost to know Jesus. She’s great for me because I can be all head and no heart sometimes and she the opposite. All that to say, these people are ridiculous. The amount of heartlessness and scorn “reformed” people can have is quite surprising. I’d refer them to the passages when Jesus talks about receiving the kingdom like a child. Sounds a lot like your fiancée and my wife. Doesn’t matter if they can’t explain the doctrines of grace or the 1689. Should be a good heart check for them as well if that’s how they react to someone who is not theologically polished.

:LBCF1689: LBCF 1689

Just married here, my wife is not a theology nerd. She’s learning, but bears fruit and desires for the lost to know Jesus. She’s great for me because I can be all head and no heart sometimes and she the opposite. All that to say, these people are ridiculous. The amount of heartlessness and scorn “reformed” people can have is quite surprising. I’d refer them to the passages when Jesus talks about receiving the kingdom like a child. Sounds a lot like your fiancée and my wife. Doesn’t matter if they can’t explain the doctrines of grace or the 1689. Should be a good heart check for them as well if that’s how they react to someone who is not theologically polished.

:alabama: Alabama Crimson Tide

We have the roster for it though

(Just need Sears for safe measure)

Say what you want about the Pacers but they have made it this far with Nembhard as PG1

:LBCF1689: LBCF 1689

Bingo. I’ve told my fiancé that i would rather suffer in silence than say anything to our small group with what is all but undiagnosed OCD. I love our church and the people there but I know it’s not worth the looks and shame

:LBCF1689: LBCF 1689

Wedding day is soon, having lots of anxiety about many things and horrible thoughts about horrible things happening. Please pray for

:LBCF1689: LBCF 1689

Or people with crippling Scrupulosity or unwanted violent images that flash through their heads which causes that person to go isolate for hours or pluck their hairs out in disgust of the thoughts and praying for the 10 millionth time for God to rescue them from their sin