freelance websites might help

But understand you are competing with folks using Midjourney now.

Lets say you charge $300 or $1000 for an illustration.

They can pay $50 and create illustrations so magnifient you would think the best in the world had done it. They can do all of that in 30 seconds with AI and if they don't like the outcome they can spin again and again and again and again. All for a small amount

Consider what type of commission you want to do? Real illustrations or Ai based?

You sound like one hell of strong person.

A mother that any child would be proud to have as a mother.

Okay let's look at your situation.

First off, where to go?

A lot of the problems or at least the suffering that people feel in life comes from "judgement, comparisons, and expectations" they have of themselves or others.

I should be here by now

I thought I would be living this life by now

Why is this my lot when friends of mine live this way?

So you spin yourself in circles trying to do, be, or become that which you think is alignment with what you "should, thought, or feel"

Reality is, there is no place to be, no thing you should do UNLESS you choose it and then convince yourself there is.

We are all making it up, the stories we tell about ourself and others.

Life is just what is... and for you hat currently 38k a year, 10k debt, kids, long days etc.

Gratitude for what is allows more to enter your life.

So how do you move forward? One step at a time. Doing exactly what you are doing UNTIL you want another experience.

The question is... what is that experience you now want that you don't feel you are currently having?

Get clear about what it is.

Is it to make more money?

Have more time?

Be with your kids more?

Be debt free?

It it all of the above?

A new career?

What do you feel is holding you back from having that?

Moving forward into what? You state where you are at, yet you don't say where it is you wish to move forward into. Do you see what I mean?

Where do you want to go?

Tell me and we will explore that more.

You move on by letting go.

Think of your life like a leaf on a journey down a river.

At times you will get snagged or arrive at boulders and stay there a while.

Sometimes you will push away to continue the journey or stop at another boulder

Other times you will be pushed or pulled away even though you wish to stay longer.

It is not life "taking" from you. It is life "making room" for what is to come next.

Take the lessons you have learned from that relationship and bring it into the next.

Hold gratitude for the good you gleaned and experienced.

Now you may say but it was because it was good that you can't let go.

No. Think of all the times you have had good experiences in your life. Watched a movie, gone on a fair ride, eaten food. You come away from it naturally feeling good. But you can't stay there watching the same movie play out, staying on the ride ( you have work and life ), or eating and eating, (your body won't be able to handle it )

No, you see it for what it was. A good experience.

And you move on with new stories to tell, new experiences to share.

My friend, allow me to let you in on a secret.

Incredible women often go with guys who think they are less than.


They had the nerve to ask them. Simple as that.

Many girls classed as 10 have anxiety as much as any girl classed a 1 ( in your system of ranking)

Understanding we are all human should give you some peace.

Ask her. What's the worst that can happen? She says no? You are in the same position you are now. If she says yes, boom, you have landed a good one :)

Gaming can take over peoples lives. It's very easy. 1hr turns into 4 hrs really fast. Been there done that.

Maybe its time to let them do that and you move on.

Only then do some people realize

Its part of being young and in love.

See it for what it was, a good time, now you all must move on to the next relationship or thing to learn

Looking forward to getting mine. Did you build yours or buy pre-built?

in what way? As long as you get a compatible one why does the MOBO matter? ( genuine question)

Brother it happens to many. A lot of admins are babies. I have spoken and had them kick me too. Some are just weird Americans.Its a sign of the times. A lot of racism.

I'm sorry that's happened to you. Best thing is to just play the game and not chat to them. That's what I do

What would you say is a good graphics card and good CPU to get?:discussion: Discussion

I've been looking at GEOFORCE RTX 4070 Graphics and AMD Ryzen 7800x3d CPU

This is what I am thinking for my build



If I used

I might be able to build it but I would need to know I'm buying compatible parts. Nothing worse than buying it all only to find out one part doesn't work with the whole thing. I think that's why I lean toward just buying a prebuilt. All guess work gone.

intel i5 is kind of old, don't you think. It came out in 2009 that processor

Helper [2]

Simple don't do it again. He thinks you like it because he's been watching porn. Hes deluded. he's the only one getting pleasure.

No more.

Is MSI a good motherboard? And what about sound cards. I don't see sound cards on many builds nowadays are the built into something else?

Anywhere from $1500 to $2000

Looking for DDR5 memory 32 gig, Ryzen AMD someone said they were good, 1 TB hard drive, Graphics high one. Sound card no idea?

Recommendations for prebuilt company for gaming pc in canada?Hardware

I don't want to buy I just want to buy and get it shipped to me. What are some good prebuilt companies to go with that are in canada?