before bringing stuff in, would be checking out that extra dark patch on the floor, OP.
Thinking someone had a dog that might have liked to go there?

Looks like someone's tortie is enjoying her hex wrap. ( the paper that she is laying on. )
Now add catnip and watch the chaos, OP.

Yusuke, the much much worser punk of Sarayashiki Junior High.

Yes, it is a classic that never gets old. And I also like the abridged series by Lanipator / Nick Landis.

Hopefully with no text messages, or shit sound quality.
Or long commercials about drugs.
OP please check these as a first time cat owner. Keep these foods and plants away from your cat. They are toxic.

Also, your cat is pissed at you. You leave him alone for 8 hours, he is bored. Get another cat, it will help.

Yusuke, the much much worser punk of Sarayashiki Junior High.

Think it was a big part of every anime fan's childhood that grew up in the 90s.
Had a big impact on the states.
I still see people walking around with YYH shirts and tattoos.
Myself among them.

Much better than previous. Looks like a different room.

Yusuke, the much much worser punk of Sarayashiki Junior High.

The lead dude is borrowing off the DT Yusuke outfit. Blue pants, yellow shirt.

then, rip it apart and find out if you're curious.

Yusuke, the much much worser punk of Sarayashiki Junior High.

They are the same thing, yes.
Ghost files I think was added to the title to help english speakers remember the name.

So you want to take apart a whole ass working mouse piece by piece, then reassemble it?
I still doubt it will work. Even keyboards that came in a solid single color will have letters worn off from use and oils over time.

OP please take a look at these links. These are foods and plants you should not let her have / near. Lily's especially, being highly toxic to her.

I hope that woman suffocates alone somewhere.

Yes it is OP.
Had mine the same way for awhile.
Are you wanting to put it on a frame?
Look at a bed that has under bed storage. Or build a bunk / loft bed with a desk under it?
Not sure what you're wanting us to say.

OP nix the dinning room table. If you are going to host things, keep recliner, and get a love seat, and get one of those fold out TV trays you can stash next to the love seat. Not as 'formal' but anyone coming to your place should be your friend enough to adapt to how you have it set up to meet your needs. And sitting around a table can be a little awkward. Chilling and munching and watching TV / movies / talking is more relaxing than sitting at a table forcing conversation when there is a lull in it.

Ditch the table and chairs. Put TV on that wall, ( maybe angle it in the corner ) have love seat over where the TV is now but closer to the desk, and recliner in front of TV directly.

Desk then goes farther down the wall where TV sort of sits now. Or along the wall that isn't really shown between the black book cases and behind the recliner area in the pictures above.

Thank you OP. She is confused, doesn't know what the hell is going on. And probably misses her home and things that smell familiar.
Can you reach out to the lady, see if there is any blankets or anything that may be left that smells like home to her?

Eminence in Shadow. --most situations he puts himself in for his own goals.
Yu Yu Hakusho -- MC is badass smart assed, sarcastic, and takes no shit.
Moriarty the patriot --MC doesn't have time for that low brow shit.
Talentless Nana -- Female lead, is above all that.
Darker than Black --Likely to ignore everything that might do this to him.
Deca-dence --MC has other things to worry about than someone's advances on him. Not that I recall any happening.
Rust Eater --don't recall this happening in it.

OP, above the sofa I would have an art wall.
Can get several smaller images you like and hang them artfully.
I see you like city buildings and possibly things on mexico? ( Art and shelf hint this? )
Why not some photos of Mexican cities?
Or building architecture?
Black and white photos of old buildings / places?
Pictures of buildings you both took and want to make the wall together of places special to you in the city where you live?

Around the TV
You could take the idea from above and apply it to that wall instead maybe?
And then behind the sofa get one large image?
You maybe able to find cool images at second hand shops to fill the space.

You can at least toss the dull dishwater on someone.
That makes it more entertaining than Chris

Yusuke, the much much worser punk of Sarayashiki Junior High.

Magic helmet. It shrinks the head of the one who wears it.