it's never too late. I've been with my girlfriend over 10 years and our marriage is long over due.

when you get married you make a vow, or several vows.

her sister recently got divorced because her Pos husband was basically using her, gas lighting, and all kinds of things. good thing they got divorced cause I don't get how one person can be like that and except to stay married.

but getting married so soon after meeting? your husband may sometimes have bad days, maybe he is having the same thoughts about you. but like I said you both made a commitment. it's about time you both sat down and talked about it.

work out your issues, talk about problems and what solutions you can do. it's marriage, with a child, don't let this go to waste, especially for the kid.

so if he doesn't want to work with you on fixing things then give an ultimatum. what else?


humanity's dumpster fire, TDS Trump haters/liberal lunatics.

some people even don't drive staggered - which is giving a car length diagonally, that way you're not right next to them incase you or they need to move over.

some states don't educate soon to be drivers at all. one of my old coworkers was saying they were driving on the highway, in the fast lane, and were asking me why people were close behind them, if they should move over.

They didn't know about the "fast" lane!?! and this was a mother. Completely clueless. Tons of people not only go very slow in the wrong lane, but they sometimes switch to the exit lane and go even slower without taking the exit.

you get people going fast and people going slow, which causes accidents. not only the worst drivers go way faster than everyone, but some go way slpwer. I'm talking 15mph or more slower which is just as dangerous.

why does not one stay the same speed!?!

5 or 10 mph over fine. but slower? no. and 20+ faster??? come on really?

I see people do this JUST to get 1 car ahead. guess what, they win, they gained 2 seconds ahead, because I'm still 2 seconds behind. so what? they risked life limb and damaging vehicles and everyone elses to be 1 car infront.

what is wrong with people not doing what is morally correct? are these people told "try to save us as much money as possible", or what?

it's like some reddit moderators. they don't agree with your opinion, so they ban you.

wars will always be fought. wars will always be lost or won. the only way to stop wars is either letting one side give up, or having everyone become Christian. Christians are commanded to love our neighbors and our enemies.

What we need is to stop the Tribalism. Stop the continuation of indifference.

All wars have one of two sides. That one side might have 1 little difference.

As for Ukraine, Russia sees themselves as the good guys for liberating the oppressed people of Ukraine. I don't know the full story, but I do know Ukraine is so very corrupt. Some people of Ukraine welcome Russia because they want to be apart of it, they don't want anything to do with the corruption.

For instance, Ukraine has silenced the church. They Train Nazi's. What does Biden owe Ukraine to want to send billions to fight a non-winnable war?

dude needs to work on his testosterone. that voice is very "unexpected".

wouldn't help to enclose it anyways. could still be too cold. Definitely make sure the bed is clean with denatured alcohol (can't stand isopropyl). if this isn't PLA or PETG, definitely need an enclosure.

what's the range on those things? also, do they do this actually?


because democrats are just followers. full of followers and no leaders. they just follow whatever their puppet master tells them, which is... replace Biden. which means to accept the obvious.

it is because they never look at the facts. they never look into the actual clips of Biden's gaffs and what not. they have to be told they're cheap fakes by someone else.. for coping? because they can't accept reality? yeah seems about right.

They go with the flow, so if somehow they agree for a border wall, they will call for a border wall. it's that simple.

I printed a custom piece to hold up my steering wheel on mine until I got the correct part to fix with. I used PLA+ and it held up great until heat from the car baking on hot days deformed it. PETG or ABS would have held up better, but it was temporary.

dude it's a switch for a 1972 Volvo. it's not the space shuttle.

timing chain is better than a timing belt. belts always need replacement. the way to tell for a chain is if there is slack, because they stretch over time.

I had a 2004 Camry from my late grandparents. it was running great, never needed anything! until some dumb dumb ran a red light or at least to them the light wasn't even lit! if the traffic light is out do you just drive through? seriously.

anyways I ended up T boning them, still their fault 100%. my car barely got damaged but they totalled it.

unfortunately leaked oil after probably in the cooler line. maybe some other things like frame got bent. but still is probably now someone's good deal at an auction.

how long has the owner "abandoned" it? I think what happens is they (the bank which probably owns the property) auctions it off.


TDS is a hell of a drug


the dude should stand trial regardless for his crimes! that statement was their way of clearing his name. unfit means unfit.... for office.

God will support and supply anyone who believes in Him. case and point... Israelites in the desert. it rained manna every day for them to eat.

God even provides food to people in Africa this way to this day.

God also provided food to Elisha (or maybe it was Elijah). He sustained Jesus in the desert for 40 days. He provided an ark for Noah and all the animals.

Maybe fossil fuels aren't unlimited, but there are vast amounts of these resources. it doesn't hurt to obtain them and use them. don't know what everyone is against this as if the global warming is real. it's not. the world will not flood again because God promised. CO2 is beneficial to plants. so I don't see what the big deal is. Jesus said there will be plagues and famines and earthquakes. that has nothing to do with man-made anything.

Biden or whoever they JFK him with will destroy this country if Trump doesn't win. old Joe has done a great job so far uhh? can't name a single accomplishment. not a single one! Trump has a whole list of what he's done and Biden undid almost all of them.

whoa hang on, talk about conspiracy theories.... you're making it up over nothing! if he says it's nothing it's nothing. that's your husband. you should be talking to him about it. not strangers. so he said it's nothing because I'm sure it's nothing. some people put cloths on their wrist to wipe the sweat off their forehead.

name just One lie. please. name one. I dare you.

Biden lies allllll the time. allllll the time. most of his responses are lies. when he yelled at trump about Charlottesville like the old man he is. that was such a lie.