He has given you a gift! He's made himself easy to dump. I'd accept this gift if I was you.

So, hahaha she could have fucking died, hahaha so, so fucking funny. Doctors abusing their patients is just the best. All the sarcasm. I'd report him no matter what, a doctor shouldn't be doing shit like that. At a minimum he deserves the humiliation.

He thought he was just having fun with some pretty young thing and she thought she was getting herself knocked up by a rich man. It sounds like they deserve each other.

I mean, having a housekeeper and going on several vacations a year would make the occasional stupid prank a whole lot more tolerable. I see the truth in this. People really hate the truth though.

I'm a 4'11 woman and picking up my 7 year old son is still super easy. I could certainly reach down and yank his little ass out of pool with 1 arm.

While I do enjoy some good reddit soap operas, details like 3 people not being able to move a little girl just fucking kill the immersion.

Nobody cares about this, stop believing every stupid fucking meme you see.

Was there a dress code given before, or did you just expect everyone to read your mind? A lot of people won't assume a party had a dress code, they need to be told.

If he wanted to marry you, he would marry you. An ultimatum might get you that ring, but it also might get you crappy marriage that only one of you actually wanted. Maybe take this year to untangle your lives so that the separation will be cleaner.

I love how this starts out telling you how to be discreet, and ends with telling you to shit in trash like the weirdo you are. Perfect. I'm going to send this to people.

Rome still had centuries left when it's republic fell. There will be a day when the dollar doesn't matter anymore, I just doubt we'll live to see it.

What the fucking crap is this? You should strive to be more emotionally aware then a fucking soccer ball. You seem more emotionally invested in that then your own son. Fail. Just a fucking fail on your part. You need to value your own child. Try to stop fucking failing as a father.

Doesn't get the sort of response they want, I imagine. Outrage clicks, good. So outrageous they make people question the current status quo? That's a step too far. I imagine.

There's different types of love. Romantic love is not the same type of love that you feel for your own child. You both need to realize this. It is not a competition.

Isn't Florida a big retirement place? I don't think folks moving there for that have to worry about sea level rise. Hurricanes are another story though..

The man can do things for his mother without ignoring his very pregnant wife. Of all the times to ignore someone, he chose to ignore a woman who was about to birth his own child. What terrible, stupid timing.

I'd totally let him keep those 4 kids inside all day while I go somewhere else and escape those 4 kids for the day. We can both be comfortable.

Cats were definitely a lot more fun when I was a kid and outdoor cats were the norm. If I got one now, I'd be compelled to lock it away inside like everyone else in this city. And then my house would smell like an indoor cat lives there...

My cousins wedding. It was alright, some standard backyard wedding kinda shit. What made it the worst was the now infamous "death dogs" that poisoned basically every one. Several people ended up in the hospital. Hot dogs left out in the no longer boiling water too long. We assume. 

Anyway, she moved to another country to live with the guy and they divorced a few months later.

When someone goes in for a handshake, I just offer up the ol fist bump. I don't care how awkward it makes whoever feel, I still want to touch them as little as I can get away with.