Para in her 50s here, and one of my sixth graders asked me how I lived so long. Twerp.

Wait, are my eyes sagging because I don't wear my eye bras??? TIL ...

I'm working on that, but my declarations page is six pages long with multiple instances of personal information (my address, vehicle information, policy number, my name, family members' names, and so on). It's going to take a while to redact all that.

Edit: The deductible for UI motorist is $250, for what it's worth. I don't think it matters since they're not paying anyway.

I have both property damage and bodily injury coverage.

Uninsured Motor Vehicle - Bodily Injury and Property Damage $100,000 / $300,000 Per person / Per accident

It's for property damage, too.

Uninsured Motor Vehicle - Bodily Injury and Property Damage $100,000 / $300,000 Per person / Per accident

It's for both property damage and bodily injury.

Uninsured Motor Vehicle - Bodily Injury and Property Damage $100,000 / $300,000 Per person / Per accident

It does.

Uninsured Motor Vehicle - Bodily Injury and Property Damage $100,000 / $300,000 Per person / Per accident

I do.


Uninsured Motor Vehicle - Bodily Injury and Property Damage, $100,000 / $300,000, Per person / Per accident

Certified Proctologist [24]

What? We've got a mixed sex sauna at our local Y (Midwest US). Your friend seems to have very limited experience of life.

I always feel guilty when I say no and then he knows I eventually say yes.

I think we need to get back to talking about enthusiastic consent. This isn't enthusiastic, and it's not really consent. It's manipulation and coercion. There's a word for what your husband is doing, and I'm sorry.

You can easily check what devices are connected to your wifi. I'd start there. Kick any you don't recognize. Then change your password (or add a password, if you don't yet have one).

has dementia or an untreated UTI and needs to go to the doctor.

I would love to plaster this on every thread about old people and weird behavior ever. I've had two elderly family members in the last few months go completely off the rails to the point we thought they were suffering severe cognitive decline out of nowhere -- only to find out they had UTIs. They had no other symptoms!

So if you've got an elderly person acting a little weird or a lot weird, get them to a doctor. Yeah, it could be dementia, but it could also be a (highly treatable!) UTI.

I work with 12 yos, and they all grow at different rates than others. Last year, one of my kids was 5'10" and looked like she could easily pummel the average grown man into dust. Some of them enter puberty earlier than others. But even girls who look older than 12 do not act older than 12. They all act like 12 yo girls, barring pretty heavy-duty trauma. And even the traumatized ones act like traumatized 12 yo girls.

Sixth graders squabble over pink Stanley cups, they say Skibidi toilet until you want to cry, they tell 12 yo boys they've got no Rizz or that they smell musty (and they do, whew), and if they're in a good mood they'll say, "Mz. Zebra is Sigma, chat!" And no, I won't explain what any of that means. Mostly because I'm not entirely sure I can.

Like, there's no mistaking these kids are 12 once they open their mouths. But looks? No, you can't really tell by looks alone many times.

That said, we all know how old Ms. Brown is, and it's gross when people try to body shame adult women like this. Women come in all shapes and sizes.

Um yes. Men need to wash. My husband showers before we do anything. I do, too. Spontaneous is all well and good in theory, but in practice, cleanliness is nice.

Certified Proctologist [24]

Info: If your mom and dad weren't home with your child, why did you blow up at them/blame them? It sounds like everyone just got busy and assumed someone else had taken responsibility.

File reports with animal control every time the dogs are out. If you don't have AC in your area, then call the non-emergency police line. Explain that loose dogs are running in your neighborhood. If they chase you, tell them that. If they bark at or make any aggressive move toward you, let them know that, too. In the meantime, if you're legally allowed to carry pepper spray, then get some. I carry Freeze Plus P spray, but there are many brands. Pepper balls are also a good option. They can be fired from a good distance and don't have to hit the target -- just need to hit the ground near the face of the target.

These dogs could be a potential problem to you or someone else. By making calls, you're creating a paper trail. People who don't control their pets make their pets a problem for everyone else.

Men are designed BY GOD to do hard physical labor that makes them sweat their asses off, and any man who doesn't do hard physical labor doesn't deserve to eat.

In a theocracy, all these basement dwelling mouth-breathers would not exist.

Bro wants to talk about vaginas killing birds, but let me tell him about vagina dentata and what they can do to guys like him.

I divide mine in spring, when they first poke the little spikes up. I understand you can also divide them in the fall, but I have zero experience with that.

Certified Proctologist [24]

NTA. If your partner does not want to be asked to put their dish in the dishwasher, then they need to put their dish in the dishwasher on their own like a responsible adult. If they don't want to be asked to lower the toilet seat so the dog doesn't slurp toilet water, then they need to do that on their own. This isn't rocket science. If you can't handle your responsibilities, then someone is going to have to step up to the plate and remind you of them.

Your partner maybe needs to look into reminder apps, appointment books, or something similar, if it's really that much of a struggle.

I just divided several of mine this year (including a monster of a king hosta my husband insists on calling an "elephant ear" just to annoy me) and they're doing so darn well. I vote "divide" because hostas are amazing and we could all use more of them.

I'm an extremely large chested woman, have been that way my whole life, grew larger after pregnancy/breastfeeding, and have even grown larger during perimenopause, and I don't feel as if you're putting anyone down. You're talking about your feelings about your own body, and frankly, I love that you love your body. When I was growing up (many, many years ago), women were not encouraged to love their body. We bonded through self-hate -- "I hate my thighs! I hate my fat butt! I hate that little bit of fat under my belly button! I hate the way my one cheek dimples when I laugh! I hate the way that one canine tooth turns in just a tiny bit!" Even the most beautiful girls I knew would take a microscope to their features and bodies to criticize themselves, and it was so completely damaging not just to them but to all of us.

So love yourself. Love others. Celebrate what makes you unique and strong and amazing. Your body can do incredible things just the way it is. Embrace it, love it, nurture it, and uplift other women to do the same. <3

Ha, I just said basically the same thing! I have severe cynophobia, and the game has really helped me come a long way with it! I still have it, but it's not as severe as it was, and I attribute that entirely to the game!