Please don't armchair diagnose. We don't need to bring bipolar into this. It's a long process to diagnose that and I hate it being constantly brought up flippantly.

Discuss, don't bring up diagnoses :)

Easier access to drugs than I've ever had in my lifetime. 5.5 years sober now. Driving through vancouver is just a tour of places I've done drugs at lol.

Well I noped out of making a murderer because I think I felt this way. Just did not care.

You keep saying 'the industry', it's so vast and expansive that there's ZERO way you can confidently say the entire adult entertainment industry is 'awful'

Source: I'm part of it. You seem like the average 'ooh sex is bad' loser that I'm used to so have a good day and maybe check your whorephobia :)

Esh Jesus christ just plan better seating and stop flying so much if you can't control your kids for 3.5 hours. I just wasted so much time reading this.

Some people pee a lot. You sound exhausting.

I think he was just nervous because he was around so many legends and he was new

I've been in the adult industry for 3 years now. Do your own research and speak to some of us who actually know what we are talking about :)

Fuck ozzy. I'm tired of men in the adult entertainment industry being awful and he is just one of many.

I don't see any question being asked for information. But ok, I know lots of people on reddit have a hard time with the real world. Intentional ignorance isn't cute:) the abundance of 'I think this person is autistic' on this app is just bizarre. Armchair diagnosing isn't cute. Hope this helps!

You are.... unhinged. You made a bad joke, no one laughed. Just accept that :) why are you obsessively looking through this profile, that's so weird!!! Ew. Just accept that you aren't funny babe trust me you're embarrassing yourself!

Everything. It's a fun show. Let it be. Enjoy it.

So you said a bad 'joke' that's overused on reddit and are mad that I didn't laugh. Um.... OK. 🤣 Yikes.

Especially autism. Somehow every other person discussed on reddit has it 🤷‍♀️

Let's not armchair diagnose please!

Down voted because I don't like diagnosing strangers with autism ad nauseum like reddit does? I'll take that :) anyways stop armchair diagnosing!

Sorry I'm not reading all that :) anyways, making snap judgments that she's the arbiter of her own loneliness in totality is very juvenile and comes off as hateful. Hopefully this helps end the drama over me just.... stating facts :) bye babe!

That's what Kelli said. You have no way of knowing the truth. Reading comprehension is your friend, I suggest you brush up :)

Most of us watching are likely north American and lots of us have negative experienced with this brand of religion. That's why. Also she's evangelical which is a nasty brand of Christianity. We are allowed to be put off :)