One of the best for female orgasm: Female is in control of motion plus male tends to last longer due to reduced blood flow to the peen.

Reverse cowgirl is very dangerous and must be done carefully to avoid peen snappage

The owners are hardcore WASPs and so are the majority of their clients. This creates a working environment where discussion of religious matters comes up during informal conversations. I avoid the topic whenever possible and am pretty good at deflecting with vague comments about my Christian upbringing (all true). After working there for a few years, I felt comfortable enough to let some of my coworkers know that I am a nonbeliever. Apparently, word spread. Comments were made in my presence without directly calling me out. In short order, I found myself having to defend minor errors, being shut out of pertinent meetings, and ultimately fired.

It’s not like they put that in writing anywhere, so it’s impossible to prove. Also, MS is an “at will” state, which means that employees can be fired for no reason.

Dave has your meds. He hangs out on the corner with Kobe. Keep it on the DL and be cool.

Being an atheist in MS didn’t make the paper, but it did get me fired

That seems crazy. For most cars in the U.S., the value drops 25% - 50% the first two years, depending on the make/model. Then they depreciate slowly thereafter. At some point, popular models (like Miatas) stabilize and start to increase somewhat.

Btw, the Ford that I mentioned in my comment blew the engine shortly after. The cost to replace the engine exceeded the value of the car, and we had to trade.

Hot showers are the epitome of civilization and the thing I would miss most in the zombie apocalypse

If the problems get too bad, I can trade her in on a newer model

I was told that I wasn’t the smartest kid in class, but I was reliable, honest, and willing to work and that these more than made up for not being as smart as some.

I started thinking about what I believed and what made sense given what I know about the world. It was tough. I was raised a Christian, and the church was a very positive experience. I enjoyed the ritual, the music, and I had (still have) many friends and family in the church. They were my community, so to speak. Recognizing that our common bond was based on make believe was hard to accept.

I can Mack McAnally’s song playing…

I say let’s go, To Kosciusko,

Officer Obie, I cannot tell a lie. I put that envelope under that half-a-ton of garbage

It’s been a few years, but I used to kick in a “don’t be so salty, bruh” just for the reaction.

My mother-in-law and wife’s ex husband cooked up all manner drama for us because I am an atheist and I empowered my wife to break out of their grip. They called CPS alleging that my son molested her daughter. CPS found no evidence of abuse. They initiated a lawsuit alleging that my wife owed $60k in back child support. Fortunately, my wife kept meticulous records, and could prove that she had actually overpaid. Because of how the courts work, it took almost 3 years and $15k in attorney fees to resolve everything. Her children were subjected to interviews with GALs, custody hearings, parental alienation, and the unnecessary burden of strife between their parents - because they are “good Christians” and I reject their mythology.

Well, almost 20 years later, I’m still here. Fuck those assholes and their “religion of peace”.

I remember calling them cups or athletic supporters, as in, “If you can’t be an athlete, you can always be an athletic supporter”.