I mean. Is this a YouTube giveaway? Because your laptops gonna be snatched for drug money in like 5 minutes. Crime, especially theft is absolutely rampant these days. Nevermind the fact that the cops will do absolutely nothing if someone steals your laptop. Nor are they going to pursue the criminal and press charges. Hate to say it but that's reality in Canada these days. Actual pickpockets are still quite rare but opportunity thieves are absolutely everywhere, they'll even snatch your belongings off tables these days especially your phone.

This is a pretty moot point basically nowhere is like this and convention rules align with local laws.

To be honest with you even my non nerdy friends cos play at cons as marvel characters. Cons have so many cool events and a ton of different communities. Local authors, game makers, board game designers, companies, armor makers, craftsmen and all kinds of other really unique interests show up to a con. We've literally had Amish/Mennonite people go to conventions to sell olden style handmade items to cosplayers etc. Video games are a huge part of many cons. I think if you like anything pop or nerd culture and appreciate seeing and meeting creators and crafter you'll enjoy a convention. People are typically much more friendly at a con as well because the all gather with similar interests. Just my two cents. I hope you try one they're the highlight of my year! :)

I get your point but Americans always come off as obscenely privileged when they say this. Most of America's far better off than the other nations around it right now. At least 2 G7 nations right now are in economic disasters.

By the time your GPU kicks the bucket the kids have probably gone off to college. Desktop hardware gamers type is far more robust than most electronics. 10-20 year old systems often still work. There's no guarantee future games will support or run well on old computers of course but anything prior will of course run the same. Typically, you'd expect at least 3-5 years of forward playability from a new good GPU.

If earplugs are uncomfortable it's possible you're not wearing them as intended. People have a bad habit of inserting them far less than they're supposed to be. They should be basically flush with your ears as is seen in many 3m videos. I wore foam orange 3m earplugs daily for work and they rarely felt uncomfortable even after many hours. It's probably best to pick up lower and higher rated plugs so you can adjust depending on how loud it is.

I'm sorry but identifying what someone looks like is racist? What messed up world are you from? Are you also so vehemently offended when someone is identified as Canadian, a maritimer, American, British? People from countries and regions traditionally look simmilar and have regional accents/languages. That's not some new concept. There is no world where a big group of grown men beating the shit out of two women like this downtown is even remotely excusable. Violent individuals should have absolutely zero place in our society.

I don't think you get just how far 6000 distance is. Even if you could see someone that far away there's literally nothing you could do about it. Definitely not worth the lost frames in like 90% of typical gameplay. 2-3k distance is already huge.

It's not that renters don't want SFHs but there's absolutely zero reason our major cities are filled with 1-2 story homes close to giant skyscrapers. In a normal city free from bureaucracy you'd have buildings gradually get smaller until you hit the suburbs. Tokyo is a good example of this. Mixed density housing exists in almost all of the city. And major area's spread out much more naturally. 3/4 floor SFH are notably lacking in most of Canada. But these homes are far superior to townhouses and you still get to live closer to downtown because they're higher density. Japan's also circumvented the condo problem by having laws and policies in place that make renting a good apartment a reasonable price unlike here. We've got a lot to learn. Sadly nearly every SFH going up is huge and overpriced for basically every worker in our economy.

4 and 8 especially look like something from professional grade manga covers. Honestly if you're not already professionally employed you certainly could be.

At this point I'm really not going to be surprised if the next couple years leads to some crazy things. Our country is on track to legitimate peasants and lordships. The land will further accumulate into the hands of the few and our government will become a weak pawn. The amount of people that actually like the government and elites are basically none. This environment now is far more typical of more unstable countries than it is our history. I suspect many including myself are gonna simply hole up at home if SHTF. We desperately need to fix this country before it becomes truly unstable or we're all going to be very very broke in the future. If things continue to get even worse past the next federal election I don't think Canada is going to stay as a single country anymore. The tensions between the regions especially the prairies are on the rise. It will probably all cool off in a few years but you just never know with every economic report looking worse by the day...

Loving your kids isn't bad parenting. When they're not bothering to call or visit when your 60 you'll understand.

You are sadly mistaken. Extreme efforts have been made to make large portions of the country eligible this year. Being mentally ill is all it takes now.

There is absolutely nothing humane in executing poor people that are desperate through a lethal injection of poison into their veins.

Halifax is still at war with Dartmouth. The Citadel sinks their ships daily as a show of power.

AI mixed with Beserk, Dark souls and goblin Slayer? If it's real human made art the artist is incredibly unique and talented

My university personal finance class had a project to create a responsible budget with retirement savings based on our graduating class's reported average income. What it showed was that none of us could afford to live as bankers, accountants and other competitive management positions. If we're not going to make enough money to get by other graduates are going to be in very bad situations. If even the people managing our money and retirement savings cannot afford to live our country is screwed.

Tbh I had the G14. Broke right after warranty ended but honestly I found 14 inches in laptop form factor made it kind of the worst of both worlds. Small screen for productivity, higher fan speeds for cooling and it definitely didn't feel much more convenient than my now 16 inch Legion Slim 5 with the legion bag. It's still too hot of a machine to really sit with it on your lap and it cant go on a couch or bed. YMMV my eyes aren't the best but this is what I've found.

If it's any help you decide my G14 broke two weeks after warranty. Asus is going through a whole lot of scandals about repair and shady practices. I'd steer clear for a while imo. 14 inch is also normally way louder than a 16 inch if you care about sound levels.

Build them yourself? You think normal people are capable of creating towns or cities worth living in? Taxes pay for the things cities have you cant just make them yourself only a child would think that. If you have hundreds of millions of dollars to go build a thriving community then you don't need this subreddit for obvious reasons. With no economic driver new communities wont sprout up, with no community you have no tax funds and therefor no essential services and resources for anyone that wants to live there. If the solution was so easy we'd have already done it. You don't just wake up one day with the power to build highly valuable infrastructure and services because you want them in the countryside. Like I said reality doesn't give a hoot about your hopes and dreams you cannot create major infrastructure and services while poor its a fantasy not reality.

It goes from simple to a complex physics calculation running on java in like .1 seconds. Very few games actually allow such mass environmental destruction in rapid succession tbh.

We're long long past the days where you can just create local industry that drives an entire town. The countryside is dying out because our jobs are basically all service jobs and big corporations are the only ones operating in the countryside with any real capacity. Reality doesn't give a hoot about your entrepreneurial spirit, hopes, dreams and prayers. Rural areas will continue to financially struggle as we shift towards needing cities for employment, services and resources. I'd love to live in the countryside for example but the services I need to live don't exist out there.

You what...? Yeah, definitely a YouTube tutorial kind of thing. Nothing on a PC requires any force beyond your hands and even that is enough to damage a computer. These components are soldered on not welded. You may still be able to get this fixed. PCIE slots are replaceable with professional tools. Probably watch Linus Tech tips build a PC guide or something. Best of luck