Yeah it’s hard to take a pic when it’s so small sorry about that! Thank you for the input

That would be the easiest/most fun send for a party.

Hi everyone! I just had this piano professionally tuned and was going to have the tuner try and diagnosis this weird tinging towards the back end of the note when he came, but of course with the issue being infrequent it was perfectly fine when he tuned it. Anyone know what this could possibly be? It’s so strange that it’s an infrequent occurrence and only happens when the sustain is down. This is a Kawai parlor grand if that helps anyone. Please let me know if you have any information and thanks so much!

Dooku relished in the high ground in this scene.

That’s a Tom clancy, top of the line, probs has more seasons than a nice lodge cabin gets up in northern maine. Take good care of ‘er, never know when it will get up n walk out after a frank discussion. Side tip- never ever, let it out of ‘yer sight, my tom clancy left me when i walked over to the fruit bowl, never had a tom clancy like that one again.

Thanks to those who have taken the time to look thus far! This is a seven foot fiberglass banana sculpture. I’ve searched on google “seven foot fiberglass banana sculpture” and have not made much headway. As I said in the title, I emailed the owner and he said all he knows is that it originally came from a store display in south florida. I’ve searched and scrolled through a website called but can’t find it there either. Please let me know if you know anything or have any ideas. Thanks so much.

Edit: I’m absolutely flabbergasted by all of you kind people trying to help me find this. Thank you so much seriously it means a lot. Although we couldn’t find an exact model, it seems the general consensus is that this sculpture was likely commissioned by a person through a specific company. I’m going to make some calls to a few of the leads you guys gave me. I’ll leave this open now (?) in case someone finds it unless a mod thinks I should close up shop. I’ll be sure to edit again and let y’all know if I find out more. Gonna banana split now, ha ha.