Oh thank goodness we arent near the official Republican date for death camps. Do you know what day the Republican death camps will start so I can avoid the Republican Death Camps?

I know who my enemies are and who wants to murder me and mine. You seem confused.

When Republicans are marching you into a death camp you will find a way to blame the Demmiecrats

One Life Fitness in Skyline has a nice one.

You sound like a committed Democrat. Somon your siggestion, I might just seethe as well. Stay mad

Yeah low info voters really loved it when Hitlery Kullton confidently wrecked Trump. Or when sleepy Joe wqs old in 2020 he lost. We lose! Lose lose lose!

Oh nows my optics! Meanwhile, I love the comment about dead babies and voting Republican

Yes, Democratic infighting is [Republican Talking Point] and as a committed socialist I think Biden is COOkED

I watched Trump shit his pants real time a thousand times. But this debate is the one that means we should elect Mitt Romney. Kek

Well youre the one supporting Republican talking points. So I dunno man, maybe ur reel smurt

Confirmed the active measures are a go. We havent had two replies in 10 seconds ever. Oh noes Im voting Republican!!!!!! Give me Gavin Newsome!!!’ Hahahahah really?

I kinda feel like you bots and shills are overplaying your hand. You should have waited more than a minute or two to spam the brand new talking points as if it was an organic movement.

Almost as if American mass media is obviously right wing. Strange and bizarre and totally unpredictable. Unexpected and unkown. No one knew it. No one knows it. Unknowable Knowledge! Vote republican. Otherwise both sides are the same.

Statistically you should never follow the advice of outliers. Its bizarre someone who claims to understand statistics would suggest otherwise. 

True, but other equally good managers say something different or even opposed. Hence discussion occurs. If you want to be ruled by an unquestionable God King why bother posting on reddit at all?

Nothing in the OP correlates with your reading. Did you even read it?

Both sidez same is a classic Republican talking point. Try again?