Classical Liberal

Everybody has agendas, you included. Ominously calling out “people who have agendas” is a waste of words.

It doesn’t really cost anything to not be this huffed up about a non-issue. You aren’t the poser police.

Are there any unique features of Sikh theology/metaphysics that cannot be subsumed under Vedānta?Question

I’m a non-religious student of western analytic philosophy i.e. those set of traditions within western philosophy that emphasize deductive/syllogistic argumentation and focus on topics such as phil. of metaphysics, language, logic, religion, mind, and epistemology. However my background is Indian and I’ve lately been cutting my teeth on Indian philosophy; specifically the Nyāya, Vedānta, Madhyāmika, and Pratyabhijña schools of thought. My question pertains to the relation between Vedānta and Sikh philosophy specifically. Vedānta is that school which takes as given the existence of an ultimate reality (known as Brahman/Parabrahman/Paramātman) and studies it’s relation to the individual personal self (jīvātman). The Vaishnavite theologian Rāmānuja describes Vedānta in the following manner:

The individual self is subject to beginningless nescience, which has brought about an accumulation of karma, of the nature of both merit and demerit. The flood of such karma causes his entry into four kinds of bodies heavenly, human, animal and plant beginning with that of Brahma downwards. This ingression into bodies produces the delusion of identity with those respective bodies (and the consequent attachments and aversions). This delusion inevitably brings about all the fears inherent in the state of worldly existence. The entire body of Vedanta aims at the annihilation of these fears. To accomplish their annihilation they teach the following: (1) The essential nature of the individual self as transcending the body. (2) The attributes of the individual self. (3) The essential nature of the Supreme that is the inmost controller of both the material universe and the individual selves. (4) The attributes of the Supreme. (5) The devout meditation upon the Supreme. (6) The goal to which such meditation, leads. The Vedanta aims at making known the goal attainable through such a life of meditation, the goal being the realization, of the real nature of the individual self and after and through that realization, the direct experience of Brahman, which is of the nature of bliss, infinite and perfect. -Vedārthasangraha

As I understand it, Sikh philosophy adopts a generic Non-dual flavor of Vedāntic metaphysics. My question is in relation to Sikh theology; namely whether it has any features that do not correspond to the Vedāntic ontological framework of Jivātman/Paramātman (e.g The Samkhya school has Purusha/Prakriti and the Shaiva schools have Shiva/Shakti). Additionally, when it comes to soteriology do Sikhs share the same (Non-dual) Vedāntic end goal of realizing the individual’s identity with the supreme Brahman? I would also appreciate any English language book recommendations for a systematic overview of Sikh theology. Feel free to ask me any questions for clarification! Thank you _^ !


It’s very unhealthy for a society to start calling anyone who does legal analysis a Nazi ally.

Officer please, I’m on my way to the national Tajik Gandalf impersonator convention. The Gaddafi convention is the other way 🥲

Shh dont ruin his racial purity fantasies

I mean Jewish culture in general was influenced by Hellenism at that point. My point is that if modern day Rabbinic judaism is recognized as a form of Judaism then there really is no reason not one cant do the same for Christianity since they both descend from old Israelite Jerusalem temple worship.

I personally know two people who are ethnically Jewish who were raised Messianic so it isn’t wholly gentile evangelicals who are larping. Technically all Christianity is just Messianic Judaism.

You’re describing legal immigration not illegal.

I think it has to to more with force-fitting history into specific grand ideological frameworks rather than finely analyzing historical events on a case by case basis and without expectation of them being part of an overarching narrative oriented towards a specific telos.

“How unfortunate that the unwashed masses don’t listen to the same podcasts as I who has knowledge of the real functioning of things does”

You say there isn’t a definition of sex in biology but your initial post that I responded to takes as a matter of fact that there is. You are free to provide a definition of sex that is more suited to your endeavor but until then I will operate on the most commonly understood view of sex at least in the EvoDevo sense. It is true that that not all human beings produce gametes but this is where notions like teleology come into play. I (and everyine else tbh) take as a matter of philosophical pragmatism that being “unhealthy” is a possibility. In this sense an “intersex” person (those individuals you perceived as exceptions that break down the sex binary) is simply someone who has a DSD (Disorder of sexual development). I.e. that someone who is commonly recognized as a “Male” and who cannot produce sperm is an unhealthy male. The same way I would view a person who was born without legs an “unhealthy” person. Now regarding gametal sexes, I don’t how else to put this so I cant help but repeat myself. A sex is a class of organisms whose “healthy” bodies produce a gamete. There are only two gametes. Therefore there are only two sexes. Not having ever produced gametes doesn’t make one a member of a third sex. It makes one an unhealthy member of either the male or female sex. An additional aside, you have very little knowledge of philosophy of science if you think “Scientific theories don’t get to have exceptions” is a relevant or meaningful statement given the context.

Courts don’t have scientific authority, correct. They have legal authority. However they take science into consideration when forming legal opinions. In humans we actually do have two (and only two) reproductive roles determined the gametes we produce as I’ve explained. We only produce sperm and ova. Therefore there are only two sexes. I’ve acknowledged that in the deep time future one can speculate on theoretical reproductive roles that may emerge but for now (and the past few million years) Humans only have two sexes. There is no third gamete. There is no “imbetween” gamete.

This is honestly one of the most pseudoscientific things I’ve read in a long time and rooting trans rights in this sort of neo-Lysenkoism is terrible for them in the future when people actually have to use rigorous arguments in courts of law where this kind of mumbo jumbo just won’t fly. Sex as an evolutionary phenomenon is defined by reproductive role. “Male” refers to that class of organisms whose healthy members produce the small gamete and likewise for “Female” in the production of the large gamete. There are only two gametes (among humans). If billions of years from now a third gamete were to evolve then sure there would be more than two sexes but then it would still be a “trinary” not a spectrum. As of yet though sex is still binary in humans.

If I were a Christian or Jew living in Palestine around the time of Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan and I enter this mosque, I would think it passive aggressive to notice that the constructors went to great efforts to carve condemnation of my beliefs into stone.

I think you may have just answered your own question

When/why did Carlo stop caring about his dad (S2 spoilers)Spoiler

After Papa Conti shoots Jimmy I don’t recall seeing a scene where Carlo cries or is even upset that his dad was dying. He just keeps following his mom around like a hitman butler. I thought Jimmy and Carlo had a pretty normal dad and son relationship?

Natural law defense of homosexuality?

The natural law argument against same-sex behaviour (as I understand it) is that homosexual acts contravene the telos of the human sexual faculty since they don’t lead to procreation and are therefore immoral. Why can’t one simply respond to this by saying that gay people are a unique class of human beings in that the telos of their sexual faculty is oriented towards well.. same-sex behavior? In other words why cant one posit that the “form” of a gay person is different from that of a straight person and thus their telos?

But it’s not about her alone, it’s also about the kid who got his heart broken. Her brother is actually quite honourable for realizing the moral complexity of the situation.