You really sound like the asshole here.

What kind of break up did she have with her ex? Was it messy or mutual? Have you had issues with trusting her over the years? Why do you need validation on Mother's Day? You sound like a possessive jerk. Yeah they're ex's now but they might still have an old friendship and one bouquet of flowers ONCE a year is barely anything.

You said she dismissed your feelings by saying you're overacting and honestly it sounds like you are. I'm glad you're getting couple's therapy because for this small description of the events it sounds like you need it.

Wow, that was pretty quick. I think I'd need to know more about this situation before I pass judgment but if this was all it took for you to fall out of love then I don't know why you were in the relationship in the first place.

I toss and turn a lot while I sleep. I used to sleep in my underware and it would get twisted and uncomfortable. When I started seeing a girl who would sleep over and sleep naked I undressed as well and it was way better.

What the fuck is wrong with your family. Manipulative isn't a positive personality trait and this kind of test is just mind games.

NTA but everyone else in this story is.

The act of thrusting and moaning at the same time often turns in to a grunt sounding noise and I don't like it.

I don't know, dude. I was paying for my partner when she wasn't working. Seems like you went out of your way to embarrass the guy and ruin everyone's night just to make a point. If this isn't an example of r/thatHappened they you could of seen how the night first.

More eye contact. Like to a weird degree. And if they're not looking at you look at what they're looking at. Phones, books, magazines, TV, what ever they're looking at you look at. Look at your own phone more. Fiddle around, open and close apps, swipe the screens back and forth.

Lastly, and this one is really hard, get a girl friend and stare at her boobs. She might be in to it.

Dude, this gets so much worse the longer you don't tell her. Seriously, this will blow up in your face big time. Tell her and stand back. Be completely honest and then stand by to support your wife in whatever decision she makes. Good luck, brother.

I'm going to throw out an idea that may or may not be correct.

You're torn because you've been conditioned to normalize abuse driven rewards. You're wife has exhibited abusive behavior yet you're the one thinking you're the asshole because the relationship makes you feel good. You should be angry and justifiably so. She didn't just betray your trust but seems to show a lack of genuine empathy for your emotions.

In the case of whether or not your should divorce her (you're NTA by the way) think about it in terms as if the roles were reversed. If she told you she was assaulted as a child and you angrily accused her of lying and being a narcissist would you be able to defend yourself if she wanted a divorce?

Uh, I don't know, man. This is all a little too sketchy and no I don't think people change over the course of a few months regarding this type of behavior.

If she's lying about stuff now and encouraging cheating to someone else you're really only asking for a bad outcome.

NTA but I like the turning of the tables.

I do stuff like with with my partner all the time. Sometimes she's' md for a second and then there's laughter. Sometimes she's actually mad and I know this joke isn't going to make her laugh so why bother.

Hiding and jumping out to scare her? Nope, that's a ticket to ruining her evening and any chance of us having a good time. Sneaking outside to get a snowball and then beaning her while she's getting ready in the bathroom? We still laugh about that one ten years later.

I haven't finished Endwalker so I'mma do that first.

I played it some what recently for the first time. I was old enough to have played it in its peak but never did.

I think it would have been a joy in its day but doesn't hold up for me. Personally for me it there are just too many characters. In my youth I would have explored each and everyone and probably have a different opinion. But as for adult me I wanted to play though the story without 100% completion and didn't develop a connection with a majority of the cast.

I've had a roughly similar experience. I'm sitting on about 600 hours of solo playing. I started a fresh character on a new server and got a handful of friends to give it a try. We started a free company but they all lost interest before the end of ARR.

So, I've just been playing as the only active member of an FC. I finished Shadowbringers and decided to take a break from the MSQ to level DoH and DoL jobs and then put some effort in to level all the jobs. All the while I was looking in to finding ways to make friends. I'm not very good at it. That's when I decided to take a break for a while, around 10 months, and now I'm back. I want to finish up Endwalker and see what Drawntrail has in store.

You're feeling crappy because break ups are hard regardless of the reason.

You're equal partners in this relationship. Why would you want to be in a relationship with someone who isn't on your team?

Honestly, if you're at the point where you're asking the answer is yes. Take her home and love her.

On the topic of timid cats. When my father passed some years ago the question of what to do with his cat come up. I volunteered to take her. She was a chubby white cat with a grey spot on and around her left ear. My bother, who had been staying with my dad at the time, warned me that she was not a cuddly cat.

Flash forward about two months and she was regularly fall asleep on my partner's chest during the day and wake me up in the middle of the night for pets. I think timid cats just take a little longer to come around in most cases.

My partner and I go out to a restaurant of my choosing on or around my birthday because it makes her sad if we don't do anything.

NTA but although you forgave him I don't think you should have stuck around once the child became your family responsibility. To be clear you didn't have a responsibility to care for that child and everyone criticizing you for not doing so would be the first to decline to as well.

"Your cold" because they didn't want to take care of a child either and want to blame you for their own daughter's irresponsibility. Your children don't want to see their father suffer but need to learn that you reap what you sow.

On the spur of the moment I just signed up for a Motorcycle training course that starts in 2 hours.

I don't own a bike and I've never ridden one.

This is me. There are a tone of foods I thought were awful. Mac n' cheese, roast beef , pork chops, mashed potatoes, everything. Then when I moved out on my own I decided to make dinner for my mom and I found recipes online for the foods I hated but were her faves only to discover a world of deliciousness.

Yeah, you can see the kitten was initiating play the way it hung around after the "attack" waiting for a response and then went straight in to play mode.

I do this with my call all the time where he bats at my leg, I chase him up his cat tree, then I rough him up.

I never understand the motivations of family members that defend abusers. If I was told that my son was an abuser (I don't have children) I would be so ashamed and come down on them so fucking hard.

My brother has been an addict for about 25 years and the way he treats my mother has made me give up on ever trying to help him.

People need to hold their family members accountable for their actions. People start changing their tunes once they realize even family is willing to give up on them.