The movement side to side doesn’t feel right. Warframe’s movement system is so good, I wish they worked more on being “fast” because the enemies are pretty quick to group attack.

If you’ve played a long time on console, you can recognize the difference pretty quickly. It’s much easier to point and click than it is to move thumb stick and pull trigger.

It’s odd that every time someone makes a post about people using XiMs, there’s always comments saying they haven’t “seen any”.

The game will die out fast if it’s not fixed. These people need to be permanently banned. Low life cheaters.

Game is a ton of fun if there aren’t players using adapters, XiM, Cronus. Hopefully they fix that issue.

That’s crazy. I use mine on both Xbox and PC and there’s a tiny switch on top. There has to be something along those lines. Is there a button with a light or anything?

It doesn’t have a switch on the small box that connects to the USB port? Mine has a switch to change from PC to Xbox. The Xbox is represented by a controller.

Is this the dedicated servers update for Xbox?

Yes, the kids should go to church and Sunday school where they will be protected from such things. Especially young boys


You might be doing better than me, but that of course is subjective because I’m anonymous and so are you. What I can conclude from your comments here in this thread is that you are selfish, and most if not all selfish people tend to have self esteem issues. I can tell you that helping people out of debt that chose to try to better their lives by becoming more educated post HS, after being led to believe that college and loans was the answer, is a good thing. If I am doing better than my neighbor, and they seem to need help or ask for help, I am going to help them. You can be “doing better” and think you have haters, but I guarantee that you’re an asshole as well.

I was just about to say, jumping does ABSOLUTELY nothing in this game besides slow you down and ruin the aim mechanic.

What are these people going to do when Biden has a historic win? And if Democrats sent out an actual younger candidate with views aligned with younger gens, it would have been even more lopsided.

I guess if I have to go to a hospital, my first question will be “did you study biology and human anatomy at any point while you were in nursing school?” These people are trash.

I bet they open the beta after the closed test, and then after that officially launch the game. I don’t think it will go away. Just test, test, launch.

Agreed. It’s good they’re making a healthy choice, but I’m on lunch trying to get my workout in. Please don’t sit in your phone!

Haircut like an alpaca for the fellas. Surprisingly wear the same outfits too, especially in a gym setting. Groups, never working out, just hanging out.

I love GoT, and I can’t wait to play AC Shadows.

I thought it was cross save, it’s not. I had to refund it cause I couldn’t replay it from the start again. I’m in my 2nd play through on ps5 and I just finished act 2. But it looks amazing on PC

Bots made to cause negative mentality for engagement

I saw some reviews say that there are cheaters in every other match? Also, is the BR still active?

Or, you know, he could have been understanding, and rolled with it. Treat people like they’re people, and it will go a long way. Treat them like a tool, or a robot who should only be “work, work, work” and you’ll get people leaving you in the dust. Moral is, don’t be an asshole. Especially if you’re a manager.

Just because you like it, doesn’t mean it’s a good game though, according to that logic. Glad you’re having fun, I think the game is bad and will be a flash in the pan.

The game really is trash. We have to raise our standards cause these companies keep pushing out junk after junk.

I worked at a GameCrazy my senior year in high school, and my manager was amazing. I loved that job until he left, and then it was dick head after dick head, but for about 7-9 months it was my favorite job I ever had. Loved the customers, loved being there.