They don’t call him BBL Drizzy for nothing when’s that’s next appointment looks like he needs a lift

Oh yeaa that makes sense now I never thought of it like eBay

Also that’s definitely true amazon has some of the most nameless 0.1 cent absolute garbage too but I guess I just learned how to stay away same as you probably do on aliexpress

Well if they have their real stores on there too like amazon I might just have to get with the times

Well you see the problem is you expected rockstar to follow their own logic

So Aliexpress will let you print out a free return label and give your money back when you get a fake? I only ever got one wrong package from amazon and it was as simple as that

I just don’t understand how Temu and aliexpress these sketchy websites all I’ve ever known for cheap clones and scams is somehow being recommended for actual real expensive products on here

When did that change and how did they assure people they won’t get scammed anymore

Amazon has been around for over a decade so that’s the only online store I’d ever trust if not I’d just go straight to the actual website

I can’t even read the name aliexpress and take it seriously

(Also trusting amazon is definitely not the right thing to do but I mean I trust they’ll get my money back when I get scammed because they make so much more money scamming other people)

I can also get 900,000 lumens on amazon for $20

How did AliExpress go from cheap Chinese drop shipping meme website to something people actually recommend over amazon

(Obviously I know the 900k lumens isn’t real I’m relating it to what I know about aliexpress and their cheap and fake and knockoff products)

This is how I imagine I want my bases look like but I’m too lazy so I only end up putting a couple paintings and lamps

Then you read 3 other item descriptions and realize he was the most important character in the universe and was connected to everything

So uh r/AOP r/AngelsOfPassion

For a higher quality original sample of course

Combat mg mk2 is all I ever need but if I had to use a rifle it would be the special carbine Mk2

The special carbine is actually better than the combat mg before you get either to mk2

I haven’t really tested the new rifles as many thousands of hours as the mg and special rifle so maybe one of those is better but it doesn’t really seem like it when I have used them

Wow that picture was really messing with my head I thought it was a pure beam of light going up but looking again the light is sitting on a wood stove or heater and the light is shining on the pipe going through the roof

Also I know I’m in too deep when I only got my first 2 real flashlights a few months ago (actually one is a TS25) and can already spot the green tint of that headlamp at the bottom right

Isn’t it free with Xbox live aka game pass core

That’s how I’ve been playing it and am definitely going to buy it if they take it off game pass

It’ll be the first forza I bought since fh2 on Xbox 360 because fh1 fh2 fh4 and Motorsport 6 were now all free at one point and that was all the forza I needed

Yea guys we really need to find a higher quality version of the movie

Like for the song

The reason rockstar doesn’t want you to make unique outfits is because they want other players to be able to buy your unique outfit when they see it and possibly with shark card money

Ooo that might explain a couple too

A few more I remember after seeing the video again the pilot was shooting rockets waiting for the last guy to land and then someone got out of their seat on the side door and got hit with a rocket making the pilot blow himself up

Again combining the 2 one time I saw someone walk off the cliff and into the rotors so from that point on I always landed far off close to the water

Speaking of I saw people land the back rotors slightly In the water or in a bush that had a rock in it

Or one time when the guy realized the yellow dot wasn’t in the ocean he flew straight up and then stalled upside down and fell into the water

I’ve seen the helicopter trying to defend the plane and it flies straight into a police helicopter

And I can never forget the countless times on Xbox 360 where it would glitch out right at the end in the plane and you could never lose the cops

Damn thanks for saving me all that time I only needed to read the second paragraph saying he fled and aimed at officers

Case closed

One of the first things I heard about this game is that it’s not dark souls so don’t just roll R1 roll R1 roll R1

I mean it works but it takes forever

I’ve seen literally every possible way to die on this mission after years of heists on Xbox 360

It used to be my favorite thing to do but randoms dying in the dumbest ways possible made me quit doing my favorite thing because it was so much wasted time

As the comments say I’ve seen plenty of people trying to land in the ocean where they think the yellow dot is or plenty of people fall off the cliff like this video or plenty of people walk into the back rotors

But the 2 that take the cake was someone parachuting straight into the main rotors on top of the helicopter right at the end or the pilot in the velum landing the plane on the train tracks and the rail of the tracks breaks off the plane propeller because it was slightly too low and the pilot didn’t see it happening

Judging the by specific placement of those I’m guessing you’re on pc and they’re trying to stop the missiles from being used

And yes looking at the top left you’re definitely on pc

The answer is stop playing the pc version

Oh yea I forget how racist most rap fans are

More reasons I’m glad I only started using Reddit 2 years ago and avoided it like the plague for a decade

I don’t get it what am I supposed to be looking at

People showing support for their favorite artist?

At least its not a bunch of chronically online clinically depressed people in all these new age emo rap comments with weeb and furry profile pictures

Yea and this was also in the the song Alfreds theme by the way

“But y'all pickin' the wrong tree They call me dog because I'm bar king (bark, bark) And I got a lot, yeah, like where cars park I'd describe it as bowling (why?) ball hard (ball's hard) 'Cause the gutter's where my mind is and when It's in this frame, better split like the five and the ten 'Cause without a second to spare, I'm strikin' again And when the beat is up my alley, I go right for the pens (pins)”

I had a whole comment explaining it for all the slow kids in the back but it got deleted when I went to copy the comment like I have to do on YouTube to see if it gets deleted in 17 seconds

Sorry but you’re actually going to have to use your brain for once and go to genius to understand it because I know you won’t from the comment if THATS the one other bar you got from Alfreds theme

Oh but my YouTube channel name I’ve had for 12 years immediately gets all my of replies deleted

As if youtube couldn’t get any worse