Asshole Aficionado [17]

I'm not single or childless and I have felt with miscarriage.

She's still working so clearly she is a perfectly capable adult.

IF (and it's an if) something goes wrong she can call an ambulance, it's not like the husband is a Dr

Asshole Aficionado [17]


You are asking your husband not to go because you are worried something MIGHT happen.

You are letting your anxiety control you and him.

It honestly wouldn't surprise me if this was why he wanted a break

Get a grip mate.

I agree he's been poor so far, but you have literally no idea if he was asked to be taken off

My point is that one gets ignored and rated as the best player in the world, whilst the other one gets shit on non stop

Didn't realise the ability to kick a ball is so drastically impacted by your nose lol

And Ronaldo is hampered by being 39.

One is in their prime doing nothing the other should have retired, only 1 gets shit on

Likely it's a sensor (PIR) for either the lighting or water supply, these are very common

My 8yo girl prefers to go on the men's with me unless it's somewhere she knows.

I have no issues with it and don't think age really makes a difference

Taking offence to something doesn't defacto make that an offensive word.

Hey bob, your pretty tall.

Bob: I'm offended by that

It depends on how it is used.

"I need to help my nan do X on Saturday, she's pretty feeble and can't do it herself"

I don't think that is offensive or intended to be offensive

When your kids ask for something not vegan while you're out, just say no, because you refuse to fund suffering.

That doesn't work when your partner is not vegan,

My banking is online, I pay my taxes online, my health records are all online

We already trust significant portions of our life to digital platforms.

Yes, it comes at a risk, but let's also not pretend that postal votes cannot be manipulated or that paper ballots cannot be manipulated.

And, that doesn't mean it's outdated and we shouldn't be looking to improve it


But secretly I will be saving whatever they give me to return back to them

Max left space for Lando to stay on the track and make the corner,

No he didn't,

When they make contact Landos wheels are on the white line,


I hate this argument, if something is wrong now then punish it, rather than looking back to say "X did the same last year boa bla bla"

Let's not have past mistakes dictate current officiating

Asshole Aficionado [17]


Your entitled to an opinion and so is she, neither is wrong or right.

If she wants to work, then that's up to her,

You don't need to be spending 24hrs a day together, agree on the activities you want to do together and when its a good time for her work.

Use that time to do something you want to do

Surly it sets the precedent that if you try and squeeze a driver off track you get 10s

When did "racing hard" become, "leave the track or we crash"

Asshole Aficionado [17]


You make it clear that you make no effort to socialise with you or co workers and then you get upset and petty when they "exclude" you

Asshole Aficionado [17]


Ideally your husband would be able to be at the scan, However we don't know the details about why he can't attend.

Irrespective, and I mean this in the most caring way, grow up.

You are about to raise a child together stop being petty and childish.