Jake Lloyd is terrific in the film

He wasn't.

(which, by the way, is truly amazing)

It wasn't.

I mean, its definitely not cool to hate on a 9 year old, but lets not pretend his acting was some shining beacon of quality. It may not have been his fault, but it was still sub-par acting in a sub-par film.

In her 40s? I'm surprised no one has brought up menopause. It can cause psychotic breaks in some people.

And how many of these beers are 6%+?

To give some perspective (that, to be fair, is also at an unfathomable scale), if UY Scuti were to replace our sun, the only two planets that wouldn't be engulfed would be Uranus and Neptune, and only just barely for the former.

Is that what you think? That they didn't know this whole time and only recently found out? Ok.

On an unrelated topic, let me tell you about this bridge I'd be willing to sell you for a very reasonable price.

I don't think the public deserves to know about it.

But at the same time, I'm not going to pretend the public deserves to be straight up lied to and told there is no problem when there clearly was.

Thats what gets me. I don't give a shit about Kate or any of the royals, but I do give a shit when official sources think its acceptable to lie. Especially in such an obvious way.

It was obvious after the first statement and then public absence that there was a major health issue

Just to make sure, you're saying you are absolutely fine with the blatant lies the royal family were making that whole time by insisting everything was normal and that nothing was wrong?

I mean, there's no splitting hairs here. They lied. If they wanted privacy, thats fine, they could have said it was a personal matter or some other vague statement for why she's been absent. Instead they claimed there was no issue whatsoever and insinuated people were crazy for thinking there was one. FFS they went so far as to release a doctored photo to try and convince people that everything was fine.

I guess we've become so used to officials and the media straight up lying to us that you just take it in stride, huh?

Sounds a lot better than a drunk and depressed Will Arnett.

We're not even the dominant species on land. That belongs to the ants.

Are you kidding? Watch again, there was no movement before Lemme-do-a-flip McGee hit the chair with both fucking legs. Maybe he could have held it more, but anyone with eyes can see it wasn't intentional. The chair fucking launches into his waist. What the fuck are you smoking?

Why would she? She's there to not answer questions. She's there simply to deflect and avoid any scrutiny of the company that's paying her. You're, what? Surprised that a corporate stooge is a corporate stooge?

Even if she wanted to be honest, she has no authority. No insight. The best way to insure that no answers are given is to send someone who HAS no answers.

Great! All of that is valid on point criticism, not just random ass insults!

Its idiocy, and you are here championing it. This is literally the 2 minutes of hate. Just throw whatever insult you can at someone, even if it doesnt fit, even if it doesnt make any fucking sense. Just shout like an fucking idiot as someone digitally changes his face to a bleating goat. Does it make any sense? Who cares! Bad man is bad! Boo the bad man! Bad, ugly man! Bad, ugly, stupid man! Bad, ugly, stupid, mean, poopy-head man!

And you and other drooling idiots see no problem with this.

Because he intentionally argues with ignorant, uniformed people to make it seem like he's some great debater. When he's against anyone who has even an ounce of knowledge about the topics, he looks like a complete fool. And he makes sure to only show his fans the former. He manipulates people into believing he's not a coward with some of the worst takes on the world.

Every subs mods has been asleep at the wheel since the API change. Reddit shot itself in the stomach, its just going through the long, slow, painful death.

Maybe a violent bipolar schizophrenic just isn't compatible with society.

The earlier they die.

The speed at which they die is unaffected by the age you have the kid, barring extremes. So, no, they don't die any faster.

He said I want MY hundred bucks.

Which makes it better because he's so confident that obviously his chewie impression was so spot on that no one else can compete.

I'm sure this will help the roughly 12 people that fall under these narrow criteria.

Most marijuana charges are state charges, which this doesn't affect.

Most federal marijuana charges are for trafficking or selling, which this doesnt affect.

Of those that are only facing federal charges for possession, the majority have possession charges ON TOP of other charges, because prosecutors like to tack whatever they can onto things.

Just like when Biden did pretty much the same thing last year, this is a bunch of hot air. It sounds good, but helps practically no one in reality. In fact, it kicks the legalization can down the road because ignorant people will think this actually accomplished something.


Or it could just be a flash mob of two /shrug

How does the voice of the guy in the first 5 seconds come through so clear? He's not part of the duet. Who is filming him with such good recording equipment?

For me, the part that frustrates me is things like this. I don't even mind the people that made obvious bullshit and tried to pass it off as real. I get upset when I see so many people falling for the obvious bullshit. It makes me worried seeing so many stupid people who just blatantly ignore things like the guy talking, and have to play it off as "oh who cares" when it has to be spelled out for them that they fell for something fake. There's this real air of "I don't care what the facts are, I'm going to ignore them because I prefer how the fake message makes me feel" And if they can't even recognize and accept basic shit like this is fake, what other fake shit in life could they easily fall for?

These videos make me sad for humanity as a species because they always prove how many of us are easily manipulated dumbasses.

That whole dying at 50 thing is a bit of a myth with ancient cultures. Life expectancy was around 50, but that is heavily skewed by the large rate of infant mortality. When that is ignored, life expectancy is remarkably close to today.

I guess what I'm saying is you can go into the woods, have sex, and eat things you catch until at least your 70's. Although yea, you'll probably have to pull your teeth eventually.

Apparently none according to this video. I think that's what gets me the most about this.

Actually, a lot of people who haven't walked long distances off trail before tend to walk in an big arc. If they can't tell their cardinal directions either, they can wind up going way off in a different direction.

It sounds obvious, but whenever you're walking off trail, make sure to keep picking out landmarks ahead of you and walk to them, rather than just trusting your feet to carry you in a straight line.

why...why does the armor have nipples?

Do you WANT nipple chafing?