My kids are 3 and 1 and are super busy. My partner is taking time off but not sure how much he can take yet. We're trying to arrange family but everyone lives out of town so I'm trying to plan ahead. We have a lot of stairs which I'm dreading as well. I think my weight bearing will depend on meniscus repair but my surgeon is anti brace and get moving as soon as possible so we will see.

Surgery recovery with toddlers

How bad is it going to be having 2 toddlers at home after my surgery (acl/meniscus repair). How much help am I going to need to line up and for how long would you guess?


Luckily I'm in Canada so cost isn't an issue bit good point on the sounds/smells! I've had a c section so I have an idea of what awake surgery is like but there wasn't any drilling involved

Anesthetic Choices

I have my acl repair scheduled for August, there will also be some meniscus repair done as well. I have the option of a spinal or general anesthesia. My surgeon said most people go for a spinal but I'm just looking for some insight from people who have had had surgery recently. Thanks!


Louise is supposed to get 25-30cm between tues-fri this week

So it will be warmer but still cool with a bunch of snow. The ski hill is open until May 6 this year and lake louise itself will be frozen until end of May at least. May things start to thaw out and the June is when spring/summer hits. Moraine lake will open, lakes will be thawed. I find spring/summer are about a month slower arriving than even canmore or banff.

Yes bring winter gear There is a post office here that all Amazon deliveries go to, Amazon thrives here lol Groceries in lake louise are unaffordable, it's a "tourist" grocery store. Banff groceries are expensive as well. Canmore is your best bet aside from Calgary. I would buy as much as you can in Calgary if you have that option. The chateau does have a salon Closest public library is banff

Did the night crossing last year and it's a free for all. People sleeping anywhere, some had small air mattresses. People with young kids had pack and plays.

You could call wilsons sporting goods in lake louise. They for sure rent skates, not sure about the rest

Yes. Their unofficial slogan is is "home of figure skaters and n-word haters"

Go to the visitor center, they'll have the most up to date info on doable hikes, avalanche risk etc

Surviving a stomach bugadvice/question 🎱

My 16 month old has had a stomach bug the last 2 days. I think we're finally on the other side of it except now I have it. I also have a 3 year old who so far is healthy and so is my husband. Holy fuck parenting is hard when you're sick. My little one still nurses and I don't know how I'm going to survive tonight. Oh and my husband works nights. He'll work from home as much as he can but if he gets a callout he has to go. Any tips on making it through the next couple days...

I love my thirsties natural one size all in one's

The lake louise plus card and sunshine card aren't available anymore and the last day to activate them was today. I agree with costco for tickets

I haven't been to sunshine so not sure on their conditions

It's been warm here and is supposed to be above freezing all week. We got a light dusting of snow today, but not much. The hill is still making a lot of snow so the groomed runs are good. Some of the bowls/ungroomed runs are dicey in spots.

I've lived here a couple years now and this is the first I've seen that particular sign. Standard don't go here, extreme risk, un patrolled and un controlled area signs are common and get moved around the resort as needed. But the skull and crossbones and death sign is a first for me this year. Not sure if the avalanche deaths last year have anything to do with it.

Yes of course. Part of it though is the unseasonably warm temperatures and the avalanche risk is ridiculously high here. Signage like this helps with liability from the hills perspective as well.

Last year 2 skiers died at lake louise by going into an unopened bowl and triggering an avalanche.

[Misc] eczema help!Miscellaneous

I live in a very dry climate and suddenly have 2 patches of eczema on my face. One on my chin and one under my eye. I've cut out all chemical exfoliants, vit c and have only been using LRP efaclare in the evening with hyaluronic acid and LRP tolurine cream. In the morning I wash with lukewarm water and put on glow recipe plum plump hyaluronic acid gel cream. The eczema isn't going away, it's not worse but it's not improving either and it's been almost 3 weeks. Any suggestions?

Even with a double was of cold and then a hot cycle? Do 2 hot cycles?

I think I have about 25 in rotation. Thanks for your help!