Summon the Cumman! (Bat-signal style searchlight that projects the image of massive swollen balls)

What the fuck are you even talking about half the time

That would have been crazy to see! I work in the city near that building that has a nesting pair (melb), I’ve seen them a couple of times

You don’t always get to use the “But it’s important to me” card to pressure someone to do something they don’t want to do. From what you’ve described he was always reluctant anyway, And people are allowed to change their minds - he’s thought about it further and decided it’s not for him. You’ve said you wouldn’t enjoy it without him - but he wouldn’t enjoy being there. Kinda selfish to put your enjoyment above his, no? Just go with your kids and your dad and be done with it.

When you want to harvest the entire field in one pass.

It pays to be wise these days. The amount of times I’ve thought of a brilliant comment, only to use the search function at the top of the post and find out I’m the seventh person to have the same idea…

Does she not have anything better to do?

And they did the wiggly dance and now have a kid.

I had Mips once. The doctor gave me a special ointment and it cleared right up.