My grandkid’s pediatrician has several flyers in her office stating no talking on the phone in the office period, this includes waiting room or while seeing the nurse or Dr. Texts or scrolling the internet is fine, but no watching videos, phone calls, or loud noises are tolerated and I wish every place had that policy. However, if you have children that need an iPad, phone, tv, etc.. to keep them calm/settled down while waiting they have a separate windowed room with a closed door for that purpose.

I split my time between Alabama and Utah. Currently in Bama, will be back in Utah next week for a month or two.

But naming a child “off white/tan” is totally acceptable. 😬

If they’re the baddest, I’ll go find “the goodest”. Yikes

I do get it to even out the pattern. I have wavy hair with some nicely formed curls/coils, but I also have patches of hair that are straight AF. So long as I stick to only washing once or twice a week, no major brushing (except while wet with a denman brush) and because I have a natural wave, my perms last a good 5-7 months.

As someone that gets perms twice a year most of my adulthood, (I’m 43 now)perm prices widely vary. The usual range for my just below shoulder length hair is between $180-$375. I’ve swapped stylists over the years due to them or myself relocating or they stepped away from doing hair. Each time I loved the turn out. There are so many factors to consider such as booth rental, supplies, how much perm solution is used , their hourly cost, etc.. Every stylist I’ve seen made a consultation appointment first so they could see my hair, its length, its condition, or if I had any damaging dye jobs because those things play a major factor. I love and appreciate my perm stylists. Surprisingly, I found my current perm lady at Fantastic Sam’s and I’ve been with her going on 2 1/2 years now. Her prices run around the $200 mark without tip and I usually tip between $30-50. I leave with the most perfect, coily curls and her services are worth every cent!! Something tells me your wife won’t be getting a tip of any kind if boomer makes an appointment and that’s shameful.

I’m from Alabama, been in Utah for 13 years and the answer is nothing. Absolutely nothing. In fact, I’m visiting Alabama right now because I miss family, the scenery and hospitality.

Never, ever get involved with anyone you work with.

Same. Our kids are adult teens/early twenties so kiddo feels appropriate, fortunately it doesn’t bother them.

My next door neighbor started burning trash in her fire pit… INSIDE HER GARAGE with the doors closed. Quite a few neighbors noticed this and immediately called the fire department. She proceeded to get mad and yelled at firefighters because when they used a hook to drag the fiery pit outside the garage and put it out, a leg broke off and that set her off because “How dare they.” That lead to a discussion about fire safety and upon further investigation they learned she was under the influence of meth. This happened in a very heavily LDS neighborhood, mind you.

From a 43 YO Alabama woman, personally absofreakinglutely not! My usual daily outfit in Summer is lightweight wide leg or baggy pants, a tank top and comfortable sneakers or slides. It’s hot and humid af, however mosquitoes feast on me thus the lite pants. If I’m feeling brave and/or remember bug spray I will wear shorts, so long as I’m not flashing my lady bits and traumatizing others. If I wore ruffles or “feather” patterns I’d resemble my memaw’s dining room curtains. However I’ve seen a lot of sorority types wearing such.

I have food texture aversion and while the lettuce might not leave a flavor it leaves the bread soggy and that makes me gag. I’m in soft agreement with boomer on this one too.

Folks on Oakwood scare me and piss me off. I’ll do 43 even though it’s 40, in the right lane and still they’ll be on my ass

My husband and I found a condo for super cheap on Vrbo a couple months back. It was in Deer Valley, around $80/ night with private hot tub. It was wonderful!

This! Now my kids don’t have their biological father, but he didn’t die. He has awful ptsd, refuses counseling or therapy of any kind, is an alcoholic, he fled to Germany and hasn’t seen our children in almost 9 years.

I’ve run into this 4 times the past two weeks. I’m in town helping my daughter with her NICU baby, it was also her fourth caesarean section. The state gave her a temporary handicap placard, but she can’t drive yet so I’m taxiing her. Two elderly men and two elderly women took the time out of their day to ask why I was parking there, three of those times my daughter was with me visibly struggling to get out of the van. The last time it was an old man and he so boldly stated “someone needs the spot more than I did because clearly I could move about easy. I should probably move or he’d speak to valet/security.” I exclaimed I was picking my daughter up from visiting her baby in the NICU. He’s been there two weeks because he had pneumonia. The walk itself it’s two floors up and through multiple security doors. I’m not having her walk any further, piss off.” Mind you there are at least 10 available spots total and aside from me only two others were taken.. I truly hope he felt like shit after my explanation.

Seriously why can’t they park? Especially in handicap spaces?!? I’m in town helping my daughter with her NICU baby. I drive her to the hospital multiple times a day(this was her fourth C-section so she can’t drive) and the state provided her with a temporary handicap placard. More often than not I’m unable to utilize it because they can’t park for shit and each time I’ve been lucky enough to see whodunit, it’s an elderly person every time.

I love mine and I’ve had zero trouble with it. The only time it’s been “in the shop” is for software updates, recalls, and regularly scheduled maintenance.

Linen or loose fitting/summer pants are a thing. I’m in North Alabama and wear them (with panties) all a Summer long. I dislike tight or fitted jeans in the humidity and I’m not a fan of shorts. This way I also avoid mosquito bites, for some reason my legs are their favorite snack.

With four corgis we love our Lovesac sectional! In between washes we use extra large lint rollers, or a rubber brush type hair remover.

What most kids/people wouldn’t give to have an active parent attempting to help. Your mom is offering actual help and ideas. What I’m reading is you’re simply not interested in anything, period. Seems you may be depressed, and that’s ok. I’d say have a one on one with mom, discuss your feelings calmly and perhaps look into therapy, it truly can be helpful. Best of luck op.