What did y'all eat for your thru hikes?

Dehydrating and vacuum sealing my meals this coming week and would love some ideas. Thanks in advance!

Judicial clerkships and JD preferred jobs

Adaptibar for Retakers

Has anybody used the adaptibar for retakers? It's like $100 more but I'm not sure if it's that different from the regular program.

Helena would be a stretch the way it is currently, but it'd definitely be easier. Billings is surprisingly cool and Butte, as much as it catches a lot of flack, does have a cool culture and history. Honestly it depends on what you're used to and what you're there for

If you're willing to live in Missoula or Bozeman on $81k, that is

Montana requires a 266, is in desperate need of PDs, and is only like 8 hours north

And I failed again, so yeah, the clearance for admission means nothing

I remember seeing the cleared for admission date, feeling relieved, and then opening the letter and seeing FAIL at the top

I feel like it did that last time though and I failed

Colorado, you're killing me

We got the email at 9:06 last administration and there were fewer applicants this time. Please.

Whitefish is extremely expensive, as is most of the Eastern side of the state. They've also been struggling with a decline in mental health resources.

Same, retaker focused on nothing else. We'll get through the next few days!

Username tracks, but it's all gonna be okay

Colorado - How are we holding up?

Only a few more days until we get results!

Thank you! Perimeter alarms is something I haven't heard before, for sure. I'll look into that.

Never thought about my clothes having food odor 😅

I knew the other stuff but this was new thank you!

I have never heard of a bear fence, thank you!

I am very sorry for your loss. Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it. We are definitely in their world, which is something I try to be cognizant of for all wildlife, but especially predators.

Why be just a steaming pile of shit when you can be a steaming pile of bear shit, you know?

Tips for solo tent camping in grizzly country

I am completely amenable to being told "don't", but I just moved back to grizzly country this year and I'd love to go camping. It's usually just me and my dog, but obviously that poses bigger risks in grizzly country.