She didn’t do anything but men love to paint her as a cheater even though there’s no evidence for that. Plus, even if she did cheat on that abusive, murdering scumbag, she still didn’t do anything wrong imo.

This whole sub is now basically just people saying “does anybody else??” Then repeating the same topic over and over every day.

I liked their interactions on this season because I think the nature of the show doesn’t lend itself much to what happens after the HEA. I am really hoping they have more interactions in Eloise’s season. I’d love to see Penelope and Colin struggle with what a best friend wants to know vs what a brother doesn’t want to know lol

Seems to me like Lindsay has moved on. She has a boyfriend and seems happy. Carl is the one that was crying because he hasn’t been on a date since they broke up.

Also Daphne SA’d Simon and people still find them to be romantic. I don’t get it.

Ugh, I hate that criticism. I feel like subtle acting is dying because people are on their phones while watching shows so they miss physical acting. Acting isn’t just screaming your feelings.

One of the criticisms I’ve seen this season is people wanted them to “show, not tell” then they turn around and dismiss all of the character history, facial expressions, refuse to interpret scenes etc.

This!! I hate this narrative because it makes it seem like a man’s feelings are secondary to a woman’s feelings. He felt betrayed, he was angry, he felt alone. His feelings are valid, he didn’t need a redemption. He just needed to work through his hurt and anger. I think it took the appropriate amount of time.

If he was any less angry, it would have really lowered the stakes.

The fact is that it will never be easy for the Democrats to beat Trump or any Republican because the Democrats don’t rally behind their candidate the same way Republicans do. Whether you think that’s good or bad is besides the point, Democrats are more willing to let go of their end goals because they don’t have a perfect candidate than Republicans are.

Wild how people care more about one subpar debate performance from someone who was sick (he looked much better today) than the other candidate being a convicted felon, sexual abuser, wannabe fascist.

Kurt was appalled by Madonna charging $50 a ticket. He would hate Taylor and her money hungry ways.

I’m Canadian and common law is not the same as married. My friend’s parents were common law for decades and when the dad passed, the estate was much harder to sort out than if they were married. Her mother said for the first time, she wished she got married.

No he didn’t. That was well known by a lot of different countries. The US warned Ukraine for months that Russia was planning to invade and Ukraine ignores the warnings.

I think that everyone needs to calm down, tbh. This is the real situation.

  • there’s four months until the election. That’s a lifetime in politics
  • Biden was sick, that’s not his fault. The reality is he’s been fine recently with speeches and press conferences. There’s no reason to believe he won’t be fine at the convention and at the second debate
  • I would hope anyone who cares about their rights and the rights of others wouldn’t use one poor debate performance as a reason not to vote for someone
  • there are still multiple court cases against Trump as well as his sentencing
  • it’s not like Trump did well either

This. Starbucks may be a little pricier but the coffee and barista skills are a league above.

Yeah, in reality they had a 5 or so year journey together since they knew they’d end up together as well.

Yeah, it was a very apple doesn’t fall far from the tree moment for me.

I think Katie is a good choice because it could tie Francesca in Scotland with Benedict’s story.

I don’t actually believe it’ll take two years but they unfortunately had the poor experience of having two different delays on two different seasons for matters out of their hands (Covid and the two strikes). They, unfairly, got a lot of shit for this so now I think they’ll just give timelines that are as long as possible and if it ends up being shorter, that’s great.

Plus I do think this is also a contract/renewal year so there may be time to account for negotiations.

I agree. She doesn’t seem to get activated when she’s put in those situations, it’s the smaller things that get her going.

Canadian here. Also paid $0. Not sure why, couldn’t possibly be universal health care. Must be something else entirely.

I agree. He literally had at least four speeches (five if you count the journal) this season about how lonely he is, how insecure he is, delving into his feelings. I don’t know how much more clear it could be. Plus all the build up from the other seasons.