if someone transferred fiat money to me, I could go out today and buy bread, pay rent, watch a movie, pay my taxes etc

if someone transferred bitcoin to me, all I could do is hold it and hope that at some indeterminate point in the future, some greater fool is willing to purchase it for a higher price so I could transfer it back to fiat to then use as stated above

so yes, "there's a full economy backing it up"

except it doesn't transfer value from one person to another, it transfers bitcoin from one person to another. that's not the same thing

your favorite low tier heroes will sign your autograph book at the next major bro dont worry

I don't understand your point. accepting losing because your opponent plays an unfamiliar matchup and saying "they're just cracked theres nothing i can do!" and not even trying to improve is a loser mentality

also calling people "low tier heroes" is cringe and defeatist because you've somehow already decided you are going to lose to this person just because they play a low tier and you've decided that's somehow "heroic" lmao

fair enough. I've landed so many upthrow upair combos bowser that I guess I just assumed it kinda works although I know it isn't a true link

yes. im saying even if it doesnt "true combo", you can still land it fairly consistently because bowser's options out of throw stun are terrible. Its not like, say, luigi, where it just wont ever work

Doesn't it work on no DI? it's "works" the same way as it does on peach/Ganon. what's he going to do about it?

there's mainly only 3 things you need to do vs bowser

  1. your only approach should be run up grab. that's it. replace anything else you want to do with just run up grab. there's never a reason a sh aerial or anything. all he is going to do is fish for upB oos. just stop doing anything except grab in neutral. it's super predictable but bowser can't do anything about it. he doesn't have the tools to dd whiff punish, or retreating aerial, or spot dodge,or anything. you can just grab and win neutral 500 times if you need to. grab pummel for cheeky damage, and throw them whatever direction you want. I prefer offstage but upair/backair does combo or you can tech chase downthrow if you feel frosty. basically just run up grab forever

  2. don't get hit by ledge attack. it's his only good option. bowser will always ledge attack because nothing else works. either run up bait it with shieldthen punish oos, or just stay out of range. don't do anything fancy because it's very fast and you don't have to complicate it

  3. if he is falling/landing bowser will often fall onto you with kooper claw so just be aware. none of his aerials are good/fast, so if you are sharking his landing, he will try to mix you up with claw. just spotdodge it or avoid it entirely because he can't do anything else

other than that, just pepper him with lasers for free damage whenever you want. you may not win every game, but bowser is bad enough that even good players are extremely limited and easy to gameplan around. and always ban yoshi's

what's your gameplan vs bowser and how sick nasty is this guy

I feel like bowser is a easy character to gameplan around even when the opponent is a significantly better player

media trying to build a narrative and title fight interest after 1.5 years of utter dominance. controversy brings views. they are just doing their job

a quick Google search says it's a 10% early withdrawl fee, which is what I thought. why are you saying there no penalty fee?

people's inability to accept platonic male-female relationships is really disturbing

okay but I still don't think it's appropriate to sexualize someone recovering from a debilitating procedure..

you should ask yourself the question why you assume elves should be Caucasian. It highlights a deep seeded and ingrained disbelief about race and whiteness that you just accept Caucasian elves as the default.

your gut response will inevitably be something like "because Tolkien invented elves and originally depicted them as white" but you should take the time to really investigate this disbelief and what it says about you and society in general

edit: I just read another post where you mention how the LOTR movies already "invented the fantasy world". It's crazy that you actually think that casting choices for a movie made in 2002 defines the nature of an entire genre. Seek help.

what do you mean by "outside"? that's exactly how we feel too except he also does it when he wins which is even worse

the most nauseating part of these races is redditors overanalyzing every action/statement the drivers make and expecting perfect behavior from these athletes, and attempting to assassinate their character for not saying/doing things perfectly

this thread makes as much as sense as comparing the difference in recommendations regarding muscle strain of the lower back compared to cauda equina 2/2 space occupying mass