juzek co ty pierdolisz

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its amazing how many people just go straight to complaining on the forum instead of you know, looking at the game and figuring shit out by themselves

same thing woulda happened if he took a chinese flag to a chinese restaurant and shat on it, same with any other flag probably, i really don't see your point here

aka he shat on a flag... in public

likely in front of the demographic he wanted to "offend"

i think that's less of an issue of "what he shat on" and more of "he shat in public"

the us attacked iraq so it means grandpa who fought the nazis in europe is a bastard, apparently

every time this is reposted churchill gets one step closer to reviving

jesse what the fuck are you talking about

no it's just that my funny tank game sub got spammed with photos of (possibly underage) thighs

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eats 3 bullets in the right leg

bleeds out

how else do you want to house the population of half a destroyed continent after THE most destructive war on earth? nice classical residences?