That’s awesome to hear. One of my coworkers went to Fairfield and really loved it.

I think the umbrella term you’re looking for that’s used by the community is little people

I’m not sure why you’re mad at me, I’m not the one who made the rules there lol

It literally is as easy as finance degree -> apply. Recruiters aren’t going to come to you

I got a finance degree and applied to approximately one million entry level postings until one of them got back to me

This kinda depends on the school. I went to a college with a religious affiliation (and not even like a strong one, it was Boston College not American Christian University or something like that) and housing refused to accommodate me when I transitioned. I ended up just moving off campus.

Because he’s hopeless, awkward, and desperate for love!

I don’t think it’s selfish because babies are still people who have rights, but I do fucking hate it

“Goings-on” are anything horse related. Horse riding is dangerous and even many things on the ground with them are risky.

CSOM ‘21

A myriad. Not including the BU ones because obviously those will be more expensive. I think I went to UNH, UVM, UML, ones like that

CSOM ‘21

Really? Including fees? I usually pay roughly $50 at least for hockey tickets now that I’m postgrad and I have to pay for individual games

RIGHT. I watch his Pokémon platinum randomized run a lot.

CSOM ‘21

Beanpot is not included because it’s at the garden. You can still sit in the student section with no gold pass.

CSOM ‘21

Depends. $50 maybe? Give or take depending on who we’re playing? You really should get the gold pass and make yourself go to some games. Football and hockey are a blast.

Barrel Racing


This is my Maggie :) and her little friends

My old horse used to kick the shit out of dogs that attacked us on the road. He was fine with dogs at the barn, but if a dog he didn’t know ran at us barking, he’d nail them right in the head. Owners used to get rip shit with me about it as if it was my fault that their dog was loose on a public road. How dog owners can be so irresponsible to let their reactive dogs loose like this is beyond me.

Barrel Racing

Can you ask your vet about SMZs? That’s what we do when we’re concerned about infection.