Any advice for bandaging a hip wound?

I’m helping a neighbor rehab a horse who came to her in poor condition. We are working closely with vet and farrier, but right now his feet are a wreck and very painful so he lays down a good bit, which has caused sores on both of his hips.

I’m looking for a short term fix to keep these sores covered so they can start to heal, or at least not get any worse until we get his hooves sorted out. It’s such a tough spot to bandage!

I had some of the silver spray on bandage but that didn’t hold up. Today we tried cotton with elasticon tape, unfortunately I was at the end of my roll so we didn’t have much to work with and it’s already hanging on for dear life. I’m almost feeling like a full body slinky isn’t a bad idea just to keep dirt and flies out. Does anyone have any tips or tricks for this?