I couldn’t agree more. I buy everything I can from Aldi because they pay their employees better than their competitors, offer decent benefits, and the employees almost always seem cheerful about their job. Kroger is where I go for stuff I can’t get at Aldi since the employees seem to be a higher caliber than Walmart. I love my local Kroger, and the employees who work there, but I can’t say that any of them act like they want to be there. That’s a problem.

I think you missed the fact that it was a highly upvoted comment. Almost the entire comment thread on the post was hating on the types of people who would join the military and making personal attacks about their personality.

Please tell me how to use the digital coupons. I have the app, and it’s tied to my Kroger card, but the register never recognizes the digital coupon. I’ve asked for help fixing it or understanding and the employees just change the price. I’m not wanting anyone price change. I just want it to work. So now I just avoid digital coupon products.

I appreciate my parents tolerating waiting in line for over an hour a ride when I was a kid but there’s no way in hell I’m doing that for my own in this heat. Sorry kids.

Wife and I had a lot of success using the texture sprayer from Home Depot. The texture we did our self looks better than the rest of the house.

Everyone needs to unite in taking these types of peoples phones out of their hands and throwing them as far as possible

This sub has ruined any chance of me ever eating at Jimmy John’s again

Exactly this. People saying it’s not a big deal are not taking into consideration how much hospitalization and treatment costs. I know someone who was hospitalized for weeks from a spider bite on their thigh which ended up costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Like Reddit? What about the people consuming the content for entertainment? We are all complicit.

Honestly I’m surprised dry wallers even know how to use Reddit

Who is paying $7/lb for brisket? A prime brisket from Sam’s is $4/lb and ribs are $2.50/lb.

You’re wrong. It’s basic firearm safety that when take possession of a firearm from another person you clear it and make sure it’s safe. No basic firearm safety precautions were taken on this set and if costed someone their lives.

I’m fairly new and didn’t know there are mods. Any other mods you’d recommend?

I used to work in loss prevention and making a “bad stop” which is making the decision to accuse someone of theft without indisputable evidence was an unforgivable action and always resulted in termination. This was even more important in internal theft situations. The company I worked for was so concerned by the huge liability of incorrectly accusing someone of theft that they would throw the employee doing it under the bus without hesitation. That said, you were still being paid while being questioned and accused, so you don’t have an unlawful imprisonment claim. Still, if I were you, I’d seek state specific legal advice on the situation.