Prob my pro KS double spelled original Or my double spelled unusual infernal impaler (HHorseshoes and voices from below with Miami nights.) Or my spelled unusual whirly warrior

My partner absolutely loves this fact, she even bought a signed poster of the old sketches they had during the creation process!

I had the same iron start lmao. Got 2 shares in under an few hours on a fresh iron coop grinding for lapis armor. Ggs though that's massive!

Any and every remix of the "My money don't jiggle jiggle, it folds" song.

Wonder if they fixed the gold blocks in the royal mines too

They're possibly counting valves official competitive mode?

The tempus website is currently inactive, the new site they use is the OG won't allow map downloads etc as far as I'm aware

Unless I'm high, might have what you're after

Tr_denial_v3 is a great goto for damage surfing in general, as well as airshot practice

Jump_beef is a good one, or even jump_academy_classic. The way JA2 is designed is to give players a variety of skills to train (all of which show up in harder maps in some fashion), so just keep at it! We all have to start somewhere, and I have faith you can do it. If you have a discord I can be reached at Headph#2029 to help more in depth with any problem areas you might be having (when I'm off work of course.)

Ah, gotcha. Been a minute since I used hit/killsounds so I wasn't 100% sure

Where do polar bears store their money?

Why, a Snow Bank, of course!

Are you using mastercomfig? If so, you need to put the hitsounds in your overrides folder in your cfg folder iirc

Mood. Also ankles cracking going up stairs

Classic triple event spawning on a single event tile

Bullet-Hollywood Undead, the beat is so catchy and uplifting!

Where do you get quartz from an npc? I recently made a coop iron (main iron was made b4 crimson isles so I got quartz that way) and I've been trying to brainstorm ways to get quartz (best I had until your comments was CH mining, as I think it spawns down in the magma fields sometimes? Unsure)

You can fit about 15 pens in there, I'd say.

Damn looking at that number for Pueblo really makes me glad that I no longer live there

Was just about to comment exactly this lmao

Team fortress 2