Similar issue here, when I was 13 my mom died after like a 2-years battle with cancer. My dad told me on a school day right after I woke up. And when I didn't cry immediately (just woke up, saw my mom the night before in the hospital, didn't believe it etc.), he told me that I "was a very cruel woman". That sentence at that time destroyed our relationship completely.

And honestly, aside from those words, I don't really remember anything from those days (maybe even weeks??) - just a total blackout. My next memory is after the funeral, when the other mourners come up to tell you how sorry they are and I clearly remember that my best friend came up to me and while I was hugging her I started crying for the first time since my mom died bc it finally dawned on me that my mom was gone... And I only felt safe enough to start crying bc it was my best friend.

It has been 20 years since then, and I never forgot and I never forgave him either while he was alive. 

How would you even get her on birth control? Are you a medical professional to be able to prescribe her something? Would a family member/friend do it for her or would you get it under your name? If wherever you are and the BC is OTC, why would she need you to get it for her?

I don't live in the US, but here all BC are prescription only. I don't fucking understand why people think that you can just pop them like candies and like they are a magically 100% at preventing a pregnancy and that they have absolutely no side effects at all?

Yes, she is 16yo, yes, body autonomy etcetc. but BC are still drugs that can fuck your body up if you are unlucky.

For example, before I could even talk with my gynecologist about going on BC because of PCOS, I had to get a full blood panel done, then testing for DNA mutations for thrombosis risks and an allergy test. Then came my family's medical history, and my own issues with migraines which actually excluded most of the BC they would usually prescribe!  And all of these were just to make sure that I don't have an allergic reaction, thrombosis, or a stroke when I start taking oral contraceptives.

If Amy ever had a seizure, a migraine with aura or any allergic reaction to any ingredients of the pills you get her, she can have a serious, even life-threatening consequences to your little drug trade just so her and your son can fuck. 

Even if someway you and her do all those tests I described (though I have no idea how you would be able to do those with a minor who is not your kid) and she passes them, she could still have a shitton of other issues from the other possible side effects.

So, for the BC part definitely YTA.

TLDR: MS Word with O365 subscription now.

Originally, I was using GDocs for years, but then the whole AI training rumors started (and I think around 2-3 years ago there was a rather ominous TOS change too before the AI thing) and also how people lost access to their stuff if they wrote erotica and shared it with beta readers etc. so I thought it would be a good idea to skeedaddle.

Tried Scrivener too, as others said it was a bit overwhelming especially at first, but the main issue for me was that it wasn't cross-platform. So if you bought the mac version you couldn't use the license to download it to windows or use the phone versions (I'm not even sure if there is an android version out). Essentially, I would have had to buy at least 2 licenses and also get a Dropbox subscription to be able to shuffle my docs between my devices... so not exactly ideal.

Tried Dropbox's Paper too for a while, the issue there was that once my doc got over 15k words it started to slow down and get buggy. Freeze, etc. So not ideal again.

LibreOffice and OpenOffice, used them a lot years ago, but GDocs came in and it was more comfortable. Don't use them now a lot because if I need to have a subscription for storage O365 would make the most sense (and while I have a subscription through my uni and my work too I don't use either for fandom/original stuff because that's just screaming of not being a very good idea...).

I dislike MS a lot, especially with their CoPilot/other AI bs, but if I want to be able to write on-the-go, they were the least likely to go for paid users' content to train their plagiarism machine... but we will see.

Kinda ready to start writing on my phone's native notebook app at this point tbh.

Én is pár éve szakmabeli vagyok, de vsszamentem munka mellett egyetemre megszerezni a papírt. Sok jó helyen kérik és rá sem néznek a CV-re ha nincs meg, illetve ha neked is játszik az, hogy külföldre mennél dolgozni ott is biztosabb pont egy diploma.

I agree that bookmarks are reader space so I usually avoid reading them when it comes to my fics. When I didn't really know this and I've just started writing in English I went to check them a few times and it was really demoralizing to see rude comments and ratings etc. so I stopped for my own good.

These days I only look at others' bookmarks if I liked their writing and want to see what they recced/were reading.

When it comes to my bookmarks (the ones I make as a reader) if I finished and liked a fic it goes into my public bookmarks, if I'm still reading and I need to add a note as a reminder to myself, then it becomes a private one.

Szia! Kicsit megkésett válasz, de mostani elsős estis hallgató vagyok proginfon.
Nekem heti 3x voltak óráim, hétfőn, szerdán és csütörtökön. A necces az volt az egészben, hogy regisztrációs héten se tudtam még, hogy milyen lesz az órarendem, mert egyik tárgynál sem volt időpont, csak gyakvez/előadó nevek.

Asszem szorgalmi hét 1. napjára meglettek, akkor még lehetett (elméletben) átrendezni ha nem volt jó az időpont amibe beraktak, de minden kurzus tele volt már akkor... szóval nem volt éppen egyszerű.

Depends on a few things for me, because while I don't particularly like canon rewrites sometimes only those are available especially if the fandom is relatively newer or they don't have that much source material yet. And sometimes they can be interesting even if they follow canon somewhat closely as long as there is something that is different enough.

Aside from that, one of my pet peeves, that always makes me stop reading: if you make universe alterations (for example: role swap) and that changes nothing in the upcoming events/character arcs/plot etc.
There was this massive fic that I'll never forget even if it has been like 7 or 8 years since I stopped reading it (because of this exact issue) where the writer swapped a villain's and the MC' roles and they both did the same things the other character did in canon (same romantic relationships, work history etc) like they had a whole personality transplant too.

This was lovely and thank you!

I used some of it in my reply - it was so polite and concise and it made a stressful day infinitely less stressful, so really really thank you! 🥹

So I've read everyone's thoughts and it's probably easier to answer in one comment. This will likely be a long comment, sorry.
(Also, sorry for the late answer I was finishing coursework bc I had a deadline at midnight.)

First, the copyright owner of the original material explicitly allowed transformative works of their stuff, no questions needed. As long as its not monetized, afaik.
I know/knew of authors (Diana Gabaldon, Anne Rice etc) who didn't or still doesn't allow transformative works of their stuff, but this isn't the case for this fandom.

Second, I'd like to point out that I wasn't really worried about copyright, even if said work is a massive AU to the original material that kinda masquerades as an AU prequel to it with some of my own characters (bc I needed side characters :D ) and story arcs (because I needed some plot :D) etc.

Additionally, when I wrote the fic, the original material wasn't finished yet (it is finished now), so a lot of of the plotlines I wrote were my speculations on what could have happened etc. until we veered into wildly AU territory.

I've been in fandoms for the last two decades and I've been writing fics for almost as long too. General etiquette when it comes to fanworks of a fanwork has mostly been: ask permission from the fanwork's creator first, because that's polite and you don't know whether said fanwork is a personal thing to the creator or not.

Some of my fanfics up on AO3 are deeply personal, for example I have stuff which I was writing right after my parents died so in a way I was using writing to work through my grief.

In this case, this fic was written during Covid where I lost my job and I was deeply isolated from everyone for months (and my friends/relatives were either getting seriously sick or dying), so writing was an escape. It was somewhat personal but not as personal, so if they asked, I'd have likely encouraged them to write whatever they wanted with the same premise.
(I think there is a big difference between writing a fic with the same premise and writing a sequel to another fic without asking first, but atm I can't quite articulate why. If I manage to figure it out and anyone's interested, I'll try to write it down.)

The AN states that a sequel is planned, the fic is in a series where the description also states that a sequel is planned and which I keep updating every few months with status updates. If asked in a comment, I told where I am at with the sequel too at the time and the same goes for questions on social media.

I also try to keep a clear line between abandoned/discontinued fics and fics that are WIP. I tag abandoned/discontinued works as such and I also put that into the summary in a very visible place if it happens.

TLDR: I'll likely tell them that I'm still planning on publishing the sequel and that while I'm not completely comfortable with the idea of their sequel I'm not gonna say/do anything about it if they decide to post it too. However, I'll also state that I'll not read it either.

Reader decided to write their own sequel for non-abandoned workDiscussion

Hi all! Long time lurker, first time poster here. Sorry to bother you all but I'm in a pickle and need some advice. As the title say, I got an AO3 comment notif that essentially says that they loved my work so much that they will write the sequel that I haven't posted yet.

Background: I have a somewhat popular long fic that I finished around the first Covid lockdowns (so roughly 3,5 half years ago) and I have immediately started writing the sequel. But a lot of RL stuff happened since then, including a few medical scares, going back to finish my degree and working two jobs, so it has been very slow.

I have a blanket permission in my profile that says that in case someone wants to do remixes, sequels etc based on my work, I'd like to discuss it with them first. TBH, as they didn't even pose it as a question but told me not to be surprised when I get the notif email about their sequel going up on AO3, I don't think a discussion is an option.

On the other hand, I dunno if I can finish this massive beast if someone starts posting a sequel, because while I would not read their work I would still constantly worry that I'm copying their work now. What would you guys do in this case?


Most of my fics for my main fandom were written when the novels haven't been completely translated yet. Incidentally, I do get the occasional reader who doesn't really look at the posting dates and starts listing which parts are not canon-compliant. I gave up at some point and now I just let them rant in peace. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

For my secondary fandom (an older fandom where the source material has been finished for like 2 decades), I start my fics with a little disclaimer that I stopped reading at this point and that my writing will obviously not be fully canon-compliant. There hasn't been an issue so far, but that fandom is full of people who still keep to the good old DLDR principle.

In general, I'd say go for it. Do whatever you want, write whatever you want, cherry-pick your canon if you like... however much you like! :D

There are tons of writers who have never watched/read the source material for the fandoms they write for - sometimes you can see posts with thousands of reblogs/likes on tumblr discussing this exact topic.

Honestly, at this point I'm not even sure if something I see is a bug or supposed to be a feature sometimes... Like in the Fatesworn DLC I don't get quest notifications at all so I spend a lot of time going through my Quest list and trying to figure out what's new/what's changed etc.

The original was buggy too but this is starting to be on an entirely different level. 😂

If you can avoid using skill books until the last possible moment that could work or you could also skip a few trainers if it doesn't completely throw off your leveling plans. 🙂

After you finish Bhaile you should automatically get a letter from someone named Elza who asks you to meet in Detyre. That's the first of the main quests of Fatesworn, so if that letter shows up in your inventory you are good to go. 🤔

There is a fair chance you have the Fatesworn DLC too, but its first quest will only appear once you finish the base game. I didn't think I'd have it for free either but apparently it was part of the bundle I got when RR came out.

Yep! I'm fairly sure I won't be replaying RR regularly (for this and a few other reasons) even if the raised lvl cap was nice. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

It's a skill you pick up during the Fatesworn DLC! As far as I know, it's only useful for that DLC, so to me it was kind of a dump-your-additional-skill-point here if you want to reach the new level cap (level 50).

Maxed out skills at lvl 49

As the title says, I ended up in a bit of a bind while playing Re-Reckoning for the first time. This is not my first rodeo at playing the original KoA and it seems I made the mistake somewhere along the line of my usual route of hitting every trainer and using the skillbooks that I got (without a glitch or taking advantage of a bug etc.) before the end of the base game's big finale.


I have most of the Fatesworn DLC left and I won't be able to get through the last 49->50 level up because of this and I'm not going to go back to an earlier save to replay everything.

Anyone ran into the same thing?