I have 3 things for you
1. Myers will feel weaker and weaker the better the other side gets so maybe also try out other characters if the matches get too frustrating.

  1. You gain less charge the further you are away from the survivor you stalk.

  2. Not a Myers tip but a general one: Play both sides, you gain so much valuable information from learning what survivors can and can't do, ways to counter every killers power and in return how to play around those counters.

:magnaveritas: Magna Veritas

I personally think it's the difficulty of the game. It's not sweaty enough to appeal to the tarkov type of playerbase but also not casual enough that you can just hop in without investing a good chunk of time. Another thing is that the setting of the game is not as appealing to most people as Milsim's or futuristic shooter.

:magnaveritas: Magna Veritas

There is currently a bug in the game where you buy new guns when double clicking even if you have them on stock. I also burned through almost 10k because of it.

If you want a good laugh check this guys profile out, he literally spends the entire day on this sub bitching about something in the game or argues with people on other posts. Bro if you don't like the game don't play it.

:magnaveritas: Magna Veritas

My friends and i had an evening where one of us screamed like a banshee in voip while the other 2 pushed compounds with bomblances. Worked pretty well but i couldn't talk the next day.


Cheating has also been a problem in open beta. Not as rampant as it is now but even then people where begging the devs to region lock china because the majority of them were chinese.

the fact that the guy who wrote this is also writing for Polygon and Kotaku says everything

Thanks for nothing, back to Darktide and Payday 2 i guess.

Go on the Nebula Site, in the top right is a event tab. You can get 10 rewards for playing payday 2.

Yeah it's getting so annoying, yes the the game has a lot of issues but the community doesn't even give the dev's the time to fix shit. The game is out for like 2 weeks and people expect full reworks for some of the core gameplay mechanics.

Fine arrows don't feel like an upgradeFeedback/Suggestion

Unlike the step from makeshift to standard arrows where you go from two arrows to one hitting regular animals fine arrows feel lackluster. I mean i don't expect them to one tap elder sernuks but they should at least be able to take down striped chapaas with one arrow.


I completly agree, the game is in a miserable state right now. We need a new durability patch asap.

Fix for the current crashes

Go into "C:\Users\*user*\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera GX Stable" and delete "Extension Rules" "Extension Scripts" and "Extensions". If it still doesn't work, try deleting "Sync Data" and "Sync Extension Settings"

Create a Backup "Opera Gx Stable" file first

Disclaimer: I am not the one coming up with the Solution it was u/frickinmichael under another Post

Yeah they looked at the current 3 gen meta/genkick and thought to themself "Let's make another killer that excels in nothing but that"

If you really wanna finish it because the ! annoys you, there is a glitch that helps with it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6RHGsdH3nw

If you perform worse because of the deadhard nerf you are just not a good survivor whose crutch got taken away

F to all people that grinded thousands of hours to get all characters to p3 only to get a piss stain effect for it

i'm still trying to find the ghostface zombie for my stealth short blade character