Malay A IBDP
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Are u a local student or international?

Didnyou get the offer? I am over the moon! I got accepted!

Hey.. how did it go with your results? Hoping the best for u bro

I read that too and found that was a bit harsh. I wonder if they are not being considerate why must they keep us onhold? They might just rejected us earlier. Does subjects requirements matters or the overall points matters for ib students now? Sigh!

I heard that the A level physics are hard. I am sure you will nail it! All the best for the upcoming result!

Hey there.. how was your exam went? I realy hope to meet you too in Imperial? What was your subject requirements? All the best for the upcoming results!

Ahhh.. narrowly missed! You exceeded the total points, and this is just issue with Maths by 1 mark! If I were you, I wouldnt email to inform about the doctor’s issue… less is more! We have notified them via email, and now we just wait although the the waiting time is killing us badly! I just wonder, for IB students, imperial will look at the subject requirements and total points, however for A level only based on the subjects! Do let me know if you received any reply from imperial. I hope the uni will get earlier on the A level results and able to make decision soon!

Ahhhh.. Will pray that both of us will have space in Imperial… were you having issues with the subject requirements or the total points? As mentioned, mine with the overall point, missed one. Anyway, your insurance is also a top uni, unlike mine though. I really hope that I will get in to my dream uni!

Hi.. yes. Mine changed as well. I saw your post about your results as well. We are in the same boat. I am so nervous and can’t wait to know the final outcome. Wishing us luck! Anyway, what course are you taking and are u local or international student?

Didnt make it for imperial college- still pending confirmation

Hey! I missed one overall mark for my course requirement. The requirements are 777 for my Chem, maths and physics HL and overall 42 points. I scored all 7 in my HLs, however my overall point is 41. I have emailed them and they said I need to wait until A level result released. Anyone has any replied or been in the same situation? What was the outcome based on your past experienced? I am hoping to get in my dream college😞


Yes all HLs are 7. However overall score i got was 41! They wanted 42 total! I got all the subjects requirements as they wanted but overall missed one point (41 instead of 42)! I didnt re mark any papers! I am 6 marks away for chem

Yes my result has been submitted by ibis directly as requester from my school. I am waiting now whether they will reconsider or just kick me out due to that one point! I didnt expect my chem to get 6 too- my chem IAs drag me down bruh! I am not sure how Imperial will be considering on this total points! For A level there’s no total points - only subject requirements.

We are all on the same boat! Mine chemical engineering- i scored all 7 HLs Maths AA, Chem and Physics! However they wanted a 42 and I scored total 41! Damn! Same replied I received when emailed them!

😃😃😃😃i make you younger dude! I am sure you are now earning well and settled down well😍