The algo sends your videos to ur subs first to test the waters before sending it out to the general userbase.

If even ur own subs dont watch it makes the algo think its crap and reduces the size and scope of the testing pool.

Hence why hollow unengaged subs who dont watch ur content is disastrous for your channel health and growth.

I dont wanna link my reddit profile to my YT. I prefer to keep then separate tbh.

Especially if you get into an argument and someone is vindicative enough to follow you off platform to troll you on YT and make fake reports to take your channel down etc.

Had that happen on Twitter cos people are nuts and got nothing better to do all day i guess...

Reform have no roots. They have no ideological foundations, just hollow policies that Nigel makes up on a whim and drops whenever the press piles on too much pressure, just like Tice did with his candidates.

I will vote for them tomorrow just to send Tories a message, but i dont expect them to ever be a serious long standing party.

SDP may be in it for the long haul though.

I just hope Farage wins Clacton so we can have 4 years of golden meme ammo of him saying mental shit in the commons and winding up the lefties in Parliament πŸ˜…πŸ‘

I cant wait til we get a few years in and the lefties will no longer be able to use Tories as an excuse as to why the NHS is still on its knees.

They will then have to confront the actual causes rather than scapegoating Conservative Party.

Well death is for an eternity. Life is only a hundred years tops , and then eternity so may as well stick around for a bit, just to break up the boredom of infinity lol

Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards.

Just... why? Dude's in everything, and i just do not see him as Reed. (I'm from the future btw)

Didnt they do roinds of auditions and screen tests fornm these two? How did the casting director and director go with them?

Am getting similar vibes from the recent Crow promo images for the reboot πŸ‘€πŸ€¦

How are people answering anything but Colorado???? Thats the only answer here surely?

Omg i just spit out my prune juice 🀣🀣

Bro let us know how it went already!! Am curiojs what this is!

An allergic reaction maybe?

Where the heck was all ur food going?? How did ur bowel not burst? How did u even sleep or concentrate at work or school???

The series was so forgettable i can barely remember what happened but maybe something about making him into a snitch or something? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

What i dont get, is weren't he and Asher D producers on the show? Even if not, they would've attended a read through pripr to shooting so why did he storm off during filming when he presumably already knew what was in the script etc??

Fair enough. Good you're speaking up about it and your experiences in case it can help others think twice etc.

Maybe post it in a trans sub too to assist anyone over there in deciding on surgery.

Lol i just knew that would be the case. These demonic psychos always fail upward. No justice in the world.

Just gotta hope she gets her karma at some point or another!!

Yh i dont fet it either. I assume he just ages super slow cos of his mutation or something πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

So sad. Surgery should always be a last resort etc. Sounds like he was rushed through the system for whatever reason and didnt get a chance to ppause and think properly etc.

Probably greedy doctors wanting to rinse people of cash. πŸ˜• Those doctor should be in jail or sued for manslaughter.

Ah ok fair enough i didnt know that. Sucks you have to go through such hoops though. Why cant it just be like nornal uploads for long from vids?? 🀦

Yh consensus seems to be you have to be in big American cities, not here in little ol London UK lol πŸ˜…πŸ˜•