I can not help to wonder, how this is filmed....and that the one filming does nothing and keeps filming...

That is a very large bin, almost 450 liter! I can understand that this helps to reduce potential problems. I also want to dispose all the food, but currently I am hesitant because of potential worm bin problems. I just upgraded my bin to 145 liter and the eco-system is about 4 months old. There are around 600 worms and it is an indoor bin, so I don't want to much other insects. Hope that the worms will multiply quickly so I can just drop all my waste in the worm bin. I think I need at least 4.000 worms to be able to do that, probably more.

Poisonous plants in worm binAdvice wanted

Hi all,

I have a few houseplants that are poisonous for children and pets.
Are they also poisonous for worms? When the leaves fall of, I would like to add them to my worm bin as food, but I don't know if they harm the worms.

Could someone give me some insights into this?

Thanks, all input is appreciated!


Interesting! Can you give more details? Like how large is your bin? How many worms? How old is your bin? What kind of food do you give? How many Browns and Greens? What are your ways of increasing the rate and capacity by not making certain mistakes?

Also do you bury your food? Or just lay them on top? Do you feed a certain way, so that it is possible to overfeed and it doesn't cause problems?

Thanks for sharing your insight!

Good to know, thanks for sharing!

You worked for your money. You decide how to spend it. You don't need to do anything. Do what feels good for you. If she doesn't accept your decision, then the relationship isn't wholesome.

What are the protocols in dutch restaurants? They often let you wait for a long time and sometimes the food isn't even good. When can you walk away? Do you always have to pay? There was this time that we had to wait for 30 minutes, the waiters were walking by and it almost seemed that they were ignoring us. Everytime we wanted to order, it took a long time and the food was expensive and not that good. To be honest I was not happy and it ruined our time. How to handle this?

I do not understand. Can someone explain?

Thanks for your valuable comment!

My question is: Are there greens that are less prone to overfeeding, meaning that it takes a lot of it to count as overfeeding? I could imagine that wilted flowers are less likely to cause overfeeding then for example bananas. What do you think? What is your experience?

I can imagine that the categories Brown and Green, are not as Black and White as it sounds. Some foods are maybe a combination on the spectrum.

What counts as overfeeding?Advice wanted


I want to make sure I understand correctly.

To my understanding you can not overfeed using browns like shredded newspaper, cardboard and the like.

You can overfeed with greens. Are there green that are less prone to overfeeding, meaning that it takes a lot of it to count as overfeeding? I could imagine that wilted flowers are less likely to cause overfeeding then for example bananas. What do you think? What is your experience?

I have recently upgraded from a 60 liter (16 gallon) bin to a 145 liter (38 gallon) bin. I have a few flowers that will be wilted in a week or so. I would like to add them to my worm bin. This sparked the question about the connection between different kinds of food and overfeeding.

Appreciate all the input you give.

In addition to what u/lostllalien and u/Nadayogi said, I want comment on the following quote from the guy's article:

This answer focuses on TRE – what it might be good for, everything it is NOT good for, and why other approaches are generally far better for the kind of trauma most of us in the industrialized world have, but the same shortcomings can, I feel, be applied to anything at all that is considered a “technique” or “exercise.”

TRE is not a technique or exercise that is made to release trauma in and of itself. TRE is a way to activate our inherent tremor mechanism. The inherent tremor mechanism will then release all trauma's. So TRE is only needed in the beginning, but when the inherent tremor mechanism is activated, it is no longer needed to initiate the tremors. Thus the thing that releases all trauma, that is the inherent tremor mechanism, is not a technique or exercises, and thus everything the guy saids in his article does not apply. For more information, take a look at the Monthly Progress Thread of Juli (this month).

Another quote I want to comment on:

Techniques and exercises do not heal trauma. Relationship heals trauma.

Again, the inherent tremor mechanism is not a technique or exercise. The inherent tremor mechanism is a part of the body-mind-system in all mammals and thus it can be said that it has a relationship with the body and mind. You could even say that the inherent tremor mechanism is the bridge between the body and mind. So, in my opinion, he actually makes a case for the inherent tremor mechanism. It seems he doesn't understand the way TRE works and how the tremor journey unfolds.

Traumawork Before Meditation - Part Three

This post is an addition to Traumawork Before Meditation and Traumawork Before Meditation - Part Two

This time I want to share with you the story of Christina Guimond.

Christina Guimond is an awakening and TRE facilitator who's been endorsed by Angelo Dilullo to facilitate others. In 2001, she began practicing Vipassana meditation in the Goenka Tradition where she had an initial awakening. Over the next 14 years, she persevered through retreat after retreat - experiencing jhana states and extraordinary states of consciousness, where she finally intuitively suspected that the meditation was taking her in the wrong direction. In 2015, she underwent a spontaneous second awakening after coming up against a spiritual wall. She later discovered a self-help technique TRE while looking to find solutions to help her son out of deep, chronic drug addiction. She believes that without discovering TRE to help ignite deep emotional integration, her awakening wouldn't have unfolded smoothly with the balm of deeper equanimity. Later in 2016 she discovered Gary Weber who supported her to work through many deeply held beliefs, attachments and conditioning. Gary also introduced her to the teachers of Ramana Maharshi. Her practice deepened. She then met Angelo who guided her to deeper intimacy with non-dual realization before realizing anatta, no-self, or full liberation. With her facilitation, she takes a holistic approach. From her website: 'One of the paradoxes of nondual realization, is the seeing that we are that Reality in which a human life is appearing. However, it has been my experience that we need to go fully into that human experience to know that we are indeed that Reality.'

Below is a video where Angelo Dilullo held an interview with Christina Guimond. She tells that she practiced Theravada meditation (Vipassana meditation) for 14 years but wasn't satisfied. She by coincidence learned about TRE and started to practice it. All that she ever wanted from meditation, she got from TRE. She now teaches that, there's a link below the video.


"I Took This On Very Seriously" -- Awakening Interview with Chris

Another interesting interview with Christina Guimond a few months after the one above. The conversation is a discussion around some of the challenges & difficulties involved with Vipassana Meditation, Using other modalities outside of Vipassana, Navigating Trauma, TRE, Somatic practices, Social Anxiety, Relationships, What actually leads to Liberation and much more (see timestamps below).

Leaving Vipassana, Finding Liberation - w/ Chris Guimond


[00:00] Introduction
[03:11] Intention setting
[05:59] Recalling some of the pain points people who practice Vipassana may be experiencing
[08:09] Addressing the pursuit of wanting to feel better as a percieved hindrance to Vipassana
[18:39] Chris on Osho and the importance of somatic practices to still the mind for insight
[22:25] Chris's transition from Vipassana to other modalities
[27:18] Advice for people apprehensive to transition to another technique or approach
[34:20] The potential loss of community the loss of community from transitioning to another technique [37:43] Cross-blending of techniques - is it bad?
[47:25] Trusting your instinct
[50:18] The #1 practice for deep spiritual growth
[53:01] Chris transitioning from Vipassana to TRE and Open Awarenesss
[1:08:23] Discussing relationships - attachment theory and more.
[1:18:40] Discussing Social Anxiety

Hope this is helpful

Love you all

Yes, that's right. Seems like you are doing fine.

Good to hear about your practice! I would advise you to try not to get attached to your experiences. This is a big hindrance on the spiritual path.

Don't be scared. Once you have activated the inherent tremormechanism again, you don't need to do the exercises anymore. Whenever I have the intention to tremor, it just happens. No exercise or fatigue of the muscles needed to tremor. So, just do your leg workouts and do TRE after that. After a while the tremoring will become natural.

Tocht en kamerplanten?


Ik heb best wat kamerplanten en ik weet dat de meeste kamerplanten tocht niet prettig vinden.

Met dit warme weer, wil ik af en toe wel gewoon de deur of het raam open doen om door te luchten en koele lucht in huis te halen.

Hoeveel tocht kunnen kamerplanten aan? Hoe doen jullie dit?

Keep an open mind. Don't assume. A lot of comments make assumptions. Don't judge. You can't and don't know. When you can be comfortable with not knowing, it will give you so much peace. Just enjoy. Enjoy the conversation. Enjoy your meeting. Make enjoying your priority. Don't expect anything. Expectations lead to dissappointment. When you have trained the mindset of always enjoying, you will be a lot less dependent on the circumstances for your happiness. Enjoy!

Made the decision to harvest my chilipeppersadvice

Made this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bonchi/comments/1dqeh1q/how_to_proceed/

Made the decision to take of the chilipeppers to promote the health of the plant. Hopefully this will make my plant stronger and next season I will get more and better chilipeppers. I will try the chilipeppers, maybe they even taste good. We will see.

Without peppers