It’s just to fill the frame when you purchase it to put a picture in. We’ve had the exact one on this sub before.

I feel like you might have more luck with the Local Government Ombudsman. But councils are very adept at avoiding blame. Good luck.

In general, you can’t just sue people or organisations because you don’t like what they’ve done. This isn’t America…

What specific laws do you think they may have broken?

Selecting juries in the UK is a case of somebody picking some names off a list. The people are already in the building and ready to proceed.

Well, hence my making it a question, not a comment. For you it is. Fair enough. But can you understand why I’d raise the question?

Is crumbling feta really an inconvenience?

I’ve never taken acid. Is this anything like taking acid?

No. It’s just a template. Not everything is AI.

I lost the will to live whilst trying to process this post.

Sadly I think most A-list celebrities have better ways to spend their time, unlike us dorks.

You know, if you don’t have even the vaguest idea of what you’re talking about, there’s always the option not to post, and save yourself from looking really stupid.

My ex has been hassled for this letter when she’s taken our kids abroad. They have my surname and not hers (not by my insistence I should add). Some countries even in Europe can get quite antsy about this.

I’m struggling to think of anything bad. I suppose Marketplace can be useful.

True, but there’s a much more elegant way to solve that problem.

Until a couple of years ago (when I changed industries) I still had a handful of elderly customers who paid by cheque. Was a pain in the arse when I had to pay them in by hand.

They have no right to see your bank account however. They can demand anything they want, but you have every right to refuse.

Oh, absolutely, I agree the whole thing is mildly infuriating. But there’s an easy if mildly infuriating solution, which is why it’s not worth losing sleep over.

But the merchants who have to pay for the printing equipment don’t want the extra expense, which is why it’s mildly infuriating. But if you want it to last longer than a year, scan it on your phone, like I said before.