🏳️‍⚧️ trans rights

For me (outside of the private jet shenanigans) I’m just not a fan of how she treats her up in coming singers. She’ll bring smaller singers on tour to open for her like Olivia Rodrigo but then when they start getting big, T swizzle will start getting jealous and use her fame to keep them down. I.e., smaller singer drops a big album they’ve had in the works for a while, and that same day Taylor will just rerelease an album she’s already had out but with a different cover art to steal some attention away. It’s for sure calculated and imo pretty scummy considering how big she already is.

Outside of that I’m not a fan of her music in general but I’ll never hate on a musician for their music just cause it’s not my vibe. If other people are vibing with it then who am I to say what’s good or not, it’s all just a matter of opinion


I feel you on that route being very cathartic, but it’s not going to get us anywhere. The bigots in full support of her aren’t going to be swayed regardless of our tactics, that’s just going to be up to them to personally decide if they do. The few people that we do have the ability to sway are the ones closer to the middle. People that aren’t completely anti-trans, but still hold a few conservative viewpoints. These are the people we can actually win over through reasoning, understanding, and logic. Public shaming will only push these people away regardless of how good we feel when we do it

The reason we should give a fuck about how we present our arguments is because the people who agree with us aren’t the ones we need to convince

Didn’t you know it’s only inciting violence when it’s against (group I like). This doesn’t apply when inciting violence against (group I don’t like). Smh my head, just can’t say anything these days

So as someone who just graduated after doing the cc —> Davis route, I’ll tell you what I wish I did. There’s really only two major things. 1. The quarter system is a lot more demanding than the semesters at cc. I was able to procrastinate and pull A’s and B’s very easily at my cc, but that doesn’t fly here. I had a hard time breaking this habit, and as a result, I graduated with a very low gpa

  1. Get involved in whatever clubs/organizations you’re interested, and keep showing up. You’ll build connections with others, but only if you put the work in. Up till and including my time at UCD, I lived my life very passively because the friendships I had up to transferring kind of just came to me without needing to try. I did the same here and sort of just drifted through the past couple years only forming acquaintance relationships. It does NOT need to be like that, but you do need to be willing to seek it out. You don’t need to force it, relationships will build naturally over time, but absolutely get involved with something, and I’m sure you’ll do great.

Do these two things and I’m sure you’ll have a great experience. The people here seemed very welcoming, and it’s a very chill vibe overall, just stay on top of the shit that needs to get done, and try to leave time for some recreation.

Yeah there’s a little synergy there on the right side of the tree, but then the left seems to be storm focused which I just find odd considering we already have stormbringer for that. Totemic just feels like a walking identity crisis to me not knowing what to focus on. Currently just seems bad for both builds

I just wish one of the hero tree’s catered to the elementalist build. I’m hoping someone hits me with an “um actually” but it seems to me like both totemic and elementalist leans much heavier into storm build which I just find a lot more boring

Pooja Hazra, wasn’t a TA for my class but a grad student teaching summer session. In a vacuum, that already would’ve been one of if not my favorite class I’ve taken, but I had some messed up personal stuff that happened half way through the quarter, and she very accommodating and understanding. Just a genuinely good person who clearly enjoys what she’s doing.

Yup, this sub seems to have gone full incel alt right clickbait. I think it may be joever here

Unfortunately not much in the way of rewards passed doing 10’s. 2k gets you the ksm mount, 2.5k gets you a few of the tier appearances that you haven’t unlocked, and each timed 10 gives you a permanent ability that lets you teleport straight to the entrance, which is nice for getting around the world quick if you’re into mount or transmog farming

Depending on how sweaty you’re trying to get, other than that there’s just going for title which I think is top .1% score by the end of the season

Oh yeah sorry it’ll be unobtainable come TWW

Edit: there will still be a similar skin that is a 1% drop rate

I think it should still be guaranteed for everyone, assuming I’m not mixing up the aotc mount with the other skin that is a 1% drop rate.


Correct, the achievement itself is unobtainable but the skin will still be granted

For me it goes class fantasy>fun rotation>damage potential

I love how bm/mm hunter and fury warrior plays but I’ve always enjoyed a more magic based element to my classes so I just can’t get into those three specs

I do also still factor in how good the spec is, but at the end of the day, I don’t care how good a spec is if it’s not something I can vibe with

I see flashy, simple, and everything in between. Not an rp’er but also playing on moon guard. Can confirm, switching to this realm has been a game changer

Wouldn’t wish Texas on my worst enemies

Really hope you survive that 77 degree weather (25 C) Hope you never experience our 116 degree days (46 C)

That’s definitely what it looks like to me. I don’t play it, but every hunter I run with, it feels like can survive the first two one shots and then die on the third when they’re out of cd’s. If the healer has an external and doesn’t overlap it with the hunter’s cd’s, then they can survive a third before dying to the fourth. The changes for TWW were definitely needed to bring them up to par with the rest of the roster, but I’d definitely be happy with pruning everyone’s defensive and reworking the damage profile of encounters.

That also doesn’t mention encounters where it’s just constant rot damage at which point they just seem totally boned

Fluid form is such a great addition, but I don’t understand why it’s not baseline for all specs. It just feels like that’s how druid should always function

I went in blind and it took me three separate attempts of unsubbing and subbing before I finally got through it. The dialogue was just unnecessarily bogged down and uninteresting with a select few moments of excitement, on top of the jobs being extremely hollow at low level. Glad I finally go through it on my last attempt because I was hooked from heavensward and on, but I really hope they address ARR to help with new player retention

I had such a love hate relationship with prideful. The haste buff was such a blast, but wiping on a prideful boss pull felt so bad knowing that was likely ggs on that key