If you didn’t even realize you had Jewish heritage until your 30s and self-admittedly don’t identify with it, then don’t start a statement by saying you’re Jewish and try to speak on our behalf.

Haha yeah, completely different genre, but I’ve been to some big rave festivals since posting this that completely blew my mind. The energy and love at raves is insane.

Referring to the big festivals put on by Excision

I wear pleated dress pants and a polo typically, I work in solar sales, so my clients are homeowners. I don't want to overdress, which I feel that a lot of these trench coats that are being recommended are a tad over the top for my job. I love the barbour waxed jacket practicality and aesthetic, but I'm worried it would look off with pleated pants and a polo.

LF Men's business casual waterproof jacket[Request]

I work in an industry where appearance plays a significant role. It's business casual required and I'm looking to drop a few $ hundred on a really nice business casual BIFL jacket. Any recommendations? :)

I'm an independent contractor, we're paid purely on commission. But for each sale we make we get $100 a month in residual as well as $1k-4k in commission. So people with 150 closed sales are making 15k a month just in residual.

As an independent contractor I don't have much job security, but my company has a great track record so far and hasn't egregiously fired anyone. The successful salesmen make enough for the company that they don't just can them for making too much in residual.

We also get zero benefits, but that's compensated by the propensity for a very high salary.

Is it a bad idea for me to buy a new car?Auto

I'm 25, I have 40k liquid(split between investment accounts and bank) and 50k in a Roth retirement. I drive a beat up 2003 toyota highlander(90k miles on it) where I get about 15 mpg. My previous car was a 1992, so all I've known is beaters. Both cars had their headgaskets blow which I spent $thousands replacing. I'm tired of beaters.

I just graduated college and started a new 100% commission based job. Estimated salary first year is about 65k-90k. Second year is 150k+. I'm told I'll get reamed pretty hard on taxes, but some of the dudes who have worked 2-3 years at my company are making 400k+. I'm hesitant to jump into a big purchase right off the bat, but I'm driving around 450 miles a week and just bleeding gas money. I track all of my trips on everlance as a tax deductible, but it is still very expensive. I want to get an electric vehicle, but my apartment complex doesn't support vehicle charging ports (maybe I could bribe a neighbor to let me plug it into their house? lmao)

I feel a little stuck considering I have no charging port availability, but I also want to stop throwing money away on outrageous gas prices asap. Wizards of reddit, what is your council?


I appreciate the advice, I feel pressured to get a job immediately, but not due to financial constraints, rather I'm just excited to start my career.

Is it a bad idea to accept a job that doesn't require a degree after having just graduated?

I just graduated with two degrees in business. One in HR and another in Management & Leadership. I have little professional experience outside of 6 years in the military. I've been applying to a lot of jobs, but am yet to receive a response from a position that requires a degree. Every interview/response has been for a sales position that doesn't require a degree and kinda has scammy job description promoting 100k+ a year.

Any general advice for a fresh grad is welcome :)

Sending a video asking him out sounds creepy. I’d put your profile to public so he can see who you are, and just shoot a DM, send him a meme or something that he could relate to and express interest for him. Likelihood is that he won’t respond, famous people, especially athletes get tons of attention, but who knows, he might and it doesn’t hurt to try

Some people have horrible mood swings that were likely enabled by their parents and followed them into adulthood. They can be great when they’re in a good mood, but when they’re not you feel like you’re walking on eggshells and there’s absolutely no getting through to them.

I’m sorry your boyfriend is behaving this way, as another user suggested, talk to him about it on one of his good days. Unfortunately I haven’t had any success with this tactic. I’ve had two friends in my life who I roomed with and behaved like this, I tried having that conversation with both of them and it never worked. Living with people like this is where you really see it come out, it’s honestly incredibly frustrating, I caught myself wasting a lot of time thinking about how I could improve my relationships with them, but it was always completely dependent on their mood. I feel significantly better for having cut them out of my life.

I don't care what the civilian world thinks. I'm curious about it

Kosovo was a NATO mission and as far as I'm aware no one else got awarded the GWOT or GWOTE for it

Was I wrongly awarded the GWOT and GWOT Expeditionary?

On my DD214 coming back from a 2020 Kosovo deployment, I have the GWOT and GWOT expeditionary medals awarded to me. I'm getting my ASU's ready and my readiness NCO told me I was wrongfully awarded those two awards and that I should not have them. He said this was because I was never in Afghanistan or Iraq. I'm not going to wear anything I didn't earn, but I was talking to my friend who was never deployed period and was awarded the GWOT.

I've looked through my Iperms and can't find anything pertaining specifically to my GWOT and GWOT expeditionary, but they're both on my DD214. Other than my Kosovo deployment I was on a UN training mission in Mongolia, otherwise, I have no other overseas tours.

To reiterate I have no intentions of wearing either of these awards(Already ordered my ribbon stack without them), but I'm more just curious at this point if I was wrongfully awarded these or not.


You told her you loved her on the first date?

Who knows if she’s interested in you or not, but she certainly won’t be after she finds out you’re incapable of making your own decisions and need a stranger on the internet to give you a step by step guide on how to make plans

Yeah fuck her tbh, you don’t start relationships with people then just ghost them when you don’t want it anymore. She owes you an explanation, but unfortunately, you probably won’t ever get one because she doesn’t even know why she’s doing what she’s doing. She’ll probably hit you up again when it’s convenient for her, lead you on so she can feel wanted and like you’re still there as a backup then just distance herself from you again. I’ve known way too many people like that, it’s not a woman exclusive thing either, guys do it too. It’s just shitty, inconsiderate behavior. I’m sorry dude, I know you probably feel like you have this connection with her that you haven’t found before, but I promise you’ll find someone better. I’d distance yourself from her and move on. I wish I could give more comforting advice than that, but this is the nature of modern dating(maybe it’s always been this way? /shrug)

Why does the ending need to be sad? It's just an ending, it didn't feel like it was a forced happy ending(Which I would agree are annoying) it just felt like the ending that best suited the storyline

How is their crime obvious though? If they weren't labeled as water thieves, how would anyone know they're being caged for stealing water and not murder?

What's wrong with them writing water thief on the cages of people locked outside? How would anyone know they're water thieves if they weren't labeled?

I’m 23, completely bald and I do fine