[Mac / 2013, 2019] @halfwayanywhere(.com)

I believe Reds store is open. I can confirm tomorrow.

Ridge is in Mammoth and they have Solstice hoodies but some sizes are out (no Women's mediums I know).

Tuolumne store is closed. Tioga is still closed so there's no PO or ranger station atm. Can confirm tomorrow whether/when PO and Ranger Station will open.

If you're in/around Mammoth Lakes/Onion Valley (Kearsarge Pass), I'm here to help!

I'm currently based in Mammoth Lakes.

If you need anything while you're in town - rides, suggestions, support, whatever - let me know (either here or on Instagram).

Don't forget that Ridge Merino gives free beer to hikers, and they have a hiker box as well.

For those further south (who probably can't see this due to lack of service). I have a campsite reserved at Onion Valley (the trailhead east of Kearsarge Pass) from Monday, June 3, through Friday, June 7. I'll be there with snacks, drinks, chairs, and a vehicle.

PCT hikers are welcome to stay at my site (Site 4) if you're thinking of hiking out over Kearsarge or heading back to trail late.

Depending on foot traffic, I'll probably be doing at least one shuttle per day to Independence or Bishop. If you need a ride back to Onion Valley one of these days, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Make good decisions and don't die out there friends ❤️

PS: There has been some confusion about the Red's Meadow Shuttle. It doesn't start running until June 7 (i.e., it's not currently running), and it will only run on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday - $15 cash. It ends on September 8. More info here.

You can still walk the road to/from Red's Meadow if you're keen and don't want to exit over Mammoth Pass. There's a free bus at Main Lodge (at the top of the road) that will take you into town.

The Lakes Basin - where you exit via Mammoth Pass - has free public transportation to town, and the road is now open to private vehicles.

[Mac / 2013, 2019] @halfwayanywhere(.com)

I'm currently in Mammoth and I've seen a fair number of hikers here in the last week. Probably at least 5 or 6 a day - I'd guess there's at least twice that actually in town.

These are not necessary fast hikers -could just be they started early.

I'm posting up at Onion Valley (over Kearsarge Pass from the PCT) the rest of the week to do trail magic and give rides. I expect to see a fair number of hikers there.

[Mac / 2013, 2019] @halfwayanywhere(.com)

Both solid choices.

I have both these packs, and I would probably use the Circuit on the PCT if I had to choose between these two (unless being light/small were the absolute most important things to you and you were going to get the 40L HMG).

Mostly based on company vibes at this point. As packs, you can't go wrong with either - unless one is fits you in a strange/uncomfortable way.

Heyo! Yeah, I'll do a revamp of this entire post. In 2013, blue blazing on the PCT was what is now called aqua blazing.

I think perhaps the popularity of FarOut (which hardly anyone used in 2013) and blue color of many spurs/alternates may have inspired this change.

[Mac / 2013, 2019] @halfwayanywhere(.com)


[Mac / 2013, 2019] @halfwayanywhere(.com)

I think most of it comes from armchair hikers in Facebook groups (which, as we all know, are the worst) or locals who are not at all familiar with the outdoors/conditions despite living in close proximity to the trail.

[Mac / 2013, 2019] @halfwayanywhere(.com)

Definitely one of the worst-sounding ones. Might even prefer breaking a rib to that story.


It'd be more representative to be on the trail and talk to people about their gear.

I can appreciate your skepticism and somewhat misguided stance on the data. But isn't what you describe here essentially a survey of hikers who voluntarily decide to chat with whoever is talking to hikers on the trail?

There's nothing prescriptive about the data presented here. Your example of someone editorializing based on information from hikers is a less objective presentation of data. Not sure what you would prefer to see here as you've proposed conflicting ideas.

I would (and did) get the new one.

If you're going to be frequenting the snow or doing a lot of dirt road travel, go with the new one. The new AWD is superior to the previous 4x4 model.

But don't spend 2x the used one unless you have the money.


That explains it!

A more detailed look at resupply is also in the works.