Please someone show me proof that this was explicitly endorsed by Trump.

Sure, make change happen, but don't make fear mongering your strategy.

Fear mongering isn't going to fix anything. Offer policy reasons for voting or you're just yelling at the wind.

Except nobody can explain why we're not already in an authoritarian country. Both candidates already have been in office. This is just fear mongering, a favored technique of the left.

Don't sleep on recyclarr. Manually updating the profiles is quite painful.

Wikipedia isn't a reliable source. I'm pretty sure this was mentioned during the debate. Biden claimed it to be fact while Trump said it was debunked.

It just so happens that snopes agrees with Trump on this one. A lefty source that hates Trump versus your Wikipedia source that can be edited by literally anybody. Which one is more reliable do you think?

Snopes basically just called you a liar, so maybe you should take some time to reflect instead of pushing misinformation as if you know what you're talking about.

??? Trump literally said that immigrants graduating from our colleges should get automatic green cards. Why is it racist to disallow random people to come into the country illegally without background checks?

Go check the full context on your argument there, buddy. That's just the way the media presented it and is one of the reasons people claim that the media is left leaning.

It's not that easy to just add a feature to a game. Leave it up to them to prioritize features and then you decide if you want to buy the game or not.

Ever heard of Clarence Thomas? He's known as a white supremacist despite being black, just because he is Republican. Vivek will also become a white supremacist and Republicans will still be called Nazis regardless of what happens. Good luck witj telling people what they think instead of asking.

Republicans unify behind Trump right now, but Vivek is well liked among Trump supporters. I don't know a single MAGA person that doesn't like Vivek. In fact some would have preferred him over Trump. I have a feeling that I have more connections with MAGA people than you do, so there's that... The plan is Trump today, Vivek tomorrow. I would have liked him to be vp this time around.

I disagree, but good luck with trying to get people on board with that. Vivek is the perfect candidate. Too bad the DNC won't allow a good candidate to win your primary. :'( Democracy is already dead in the Democratic party.

Same setup for me as well. I love it as well.

I think awesome has a pretty subjective meaning. To me awesome would be a Proxmox server with a raid array and off-site backups. Also, Vivek is a pretty cool guy in my eyes. He is going to get a lot of the Trump supporters backing him, so look forward to him as your future president.

Sucks for you since that seems to be a policy important to you. I on the other hand worry about other things and I accept Trump's wish for clean air and water. I'll gladly trust in his ability to figure it out later.

Thanks, I fixed my issue by moving to tdarr in docker instead of an lxc.

You're a joke, dude. Source me on when Trump supported Project 2025 explicitly or where it is on his campaign website.