She has the requisite education and the experience needed to be a high-level elected official. And she's already been in the White House for four years, so she has a good idea of how it operates.

Your evaluation of her is a childish one.

Are they preparing for the zombie apocalypse?

Rule #1: Cardio

Your sense of smell developed over millions of years for a reason. Trust it.

Deadpool 2 was his most surprising death, since no one was expecting him to be in the film.

If they cheated once, there’s a high likelihood they will cheat again.

And even if they never cheat again, your relationship will be forever scarred.

Funny how cute and middle class they look in this, but they were punk rockers before this album.

Lucy you got some ‘splainin to do!

Seems like if this were true, he would have given the name of the hedge fund so people could invest.

I would love to teach the Bible in a public classrooms.

I guarantee they wouldn't like what I had to say, but I would be following majority scholarly opinion.

Definitely a paddle for spanking. The holes in the wood are for extra pain on bare bottoms, especially when the paddle is dipped in water.

Source: Went to public school in the South in the 70’s.

You could do a little research, maybe, that isn't Fox News-based?

Thomas began transitioning using hormone replacement therapy in May 2019, and came out as a trans woman during her junior year to her coaches, friends, and the women's and men's swim teams at the University of Pennsylvania.\2])\4]) She was required to swim for the men's team in the 2019–2020 academic year as a junior while undergoing hormone therapy and then swam on the women's team in 2021–2022 after taking a year off school to maintain her eligibility to compete while competitive swimming was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.\3])\4])\13]) By 2021, she had met the NCAA hormone therapy requirements to swim on the women's team.\14])

Thomas lost muscle mass and strength through testosterone suppression and hormone replacement therapy. Her time for the 500 freestyle is over 15 seconds slower than her personal bests before medically transitioning.\15])\16])\17]) Thomas's event progression peaked in 2019 for distance swimming, with a drop in times during the 2021–2022 season. Her event progression for sprint swimming reflected a dip at the start of 2021–2022 season before returning to near-lifetime bests in the 100 free and a lifetime personal best in the 50 free in 2021.\18])

Well, I guess that's one way to get conservative men to finally care about women's sports.

The people a president surrounds himself with are the people who are really running the country.

And we know from Trump's last term in office that he was appointing people who were the antithesis of the departments they were chosen to lead. Trump's goal was literally to destroy government for the benefit of the wealthy class.

Biden and Harris at least have chosen good people to lead their respective departments, people who have a vision for government enhancing the quality of life in America and who have no problem holding the wealthy to account.

And for "genius ideas" like that that will destroy the brand in the long run, the executives get millions of dollars in bonuses, while their average workers are struggling to get by.

Any of them would be better than Pervert Hoover. Sorry, I mean, Fat Nixon.