If striking a golf ball cracked the face, then you have a good chance of getting it covered.

I disagree with 12.3.6 being rock solid. I think in many ways it’s a regression from v11. Lane changing and its own confidence has declined almost universally in my day to day driving.

The media has been not reporting on it for a while now. The debate performance didn’t just fall out of thin air.

Their current iteration is streets ahead of any past show I’ve seen from them.

Here's what he said via Bunkered: "When you have 2,000 people following us with no ropes, nothing. The marshals were trying to do as good a job as they could do but obviously, we had to stop pretty much on every tee for two or three minutes to hit our tee shots because people were walking in front of the tee and on the fairway”

Pretty crazy that a qualifying event let fans on.

I assume it’s because it was trained on people speeding normally and it doesn’t see your set speed as what it’s supposed to hit, but it’s max speed that you said it’s allowed to get away with. It sees 47 as what a normal person would drive in a 45 and is doing that because that’s what it’s been trained on.

It has nothing to do with that autopilot reduce speeds option or whatever it’s called. I have the same issues with my 22model s.

So your response to “why didn’t trump just do this in 2016-2020” is “project 2025 is a new attempt by conservative think tanks..”

Senior U.S. District Judge Louis Guirola in Gulfport, Mississippi, said in his preliminary order, opens new tab on Wednesday that the Republican states were likely to succeed in their challenge. He said that the administration had overstepped its authority by interpreting "sex" in the federal law to include gender identity.

Everyone is presumed innocent until they are found guilty. That’s not the big deal everyone is making it out to be.

The dissent is not binding and should not be used as a guidebook on how the decision should be read.

How is this not downvoted.

He is not free from Impeachment for anything. It is purely a political tool that can be used by congress for anything it deems necessary.

I just want it to confidently change lanes. I swear the 12x update is so bad at changing lanes when directed by engaging a turn signal.

What was the tip out percentage of that restaurant. Every place has one. What was yours? Usually a percentage of sales or a percentage of tips.

Instead of saying I made $5 say I made x% of what the server made. I’ll grab my pitchfork and march with you if you were getting scammed.

If you consistently made $5 a day as a busboy you’re making this story up.

Just in case you’re wondering, that’s a really bad backswing.

It’s not a flex. It’s saying if you aren’t in that situation you shouldn’t be working there.

.....makes sense since you can't even form a comprehensive sentence. You probably just don't understand, it's OK tho.

I tip out close to that as a captain at my place (48%), but it’s at the highest grossing restaurant in my state and it has a waiting list years long of people begging to work there.

‘R’ and ‘T’ are right next to each other on a keyboard.. OP was probably saying that his lyrics ARE really deep but misclicked. The fact you wrote out an entire post trying to criticize him over his ability to form a sentence without realizing that is hilariously sad and stupid.

Most likely he built the first tower and wanted to later expand to a second and add gaming but the economy fell off in 2008 and they never moved forward with it.

AZ: P&C L&H 6&63

This isn’t actually insurance related. Just talk to your HR.

:lib: - Lib-Center

Go on any default sub right now and look how many people from all sides of Reddit want him executed for treason.

It’s insane.