I am 26 weeks and was diagnosed after my 3 hour glucose values were completely out of whack. For reference, my 2 hr number was over 200 and my 3 hr number was 49. Since getting the diagnosing I’ve cut way back on carbs (I love to bake and am a sucker for baked goods). I tried to learn as much as possible, have a bedtime snack with carbs & protein, no naked carbs etc.

Today I finally got my glucose monitor set up and took my first reading 1 hr after dinner. We had a salad with shrimp, cucumber,black beans, kidney beans, avocado, and vegan cheese. I realized too late that the vegan cheese doesn’t actually have any protein but figured it was probably ok with the rest of the meal. Went on a post dinner walk (~20 min, included hills).

My reading 1 hr after dinner was 67! I was so shocked it was so low. I ate a few wheat thins, some pieces of apple, and 1/2 of a Honey Mama chocolate cake bar to try to get it back up.

Has anyone experienced this low of a reading after eating? How is that even possible? It seems wild to me - I did not expect it at all and I feel like I’m doing something wrong.