I'm reiterating the same points over and over to you, and I think I justify my stance for regulation.

You don't seem to comprehend that there should, perhaps, be limitations to the fishing. In fact, as a self described bow fisherman yourself, it might be in your best interest to prevent assholes from ruining the reputation of the fishing.

There is no justifiable reason any bow fishers would need some if the monstrosities I've seen on the lake. Their lights illuminate like daylight for a solid quarter mile around them. That's overkill and stupid.

I have witnessed the illegal harvest.

Yes, the lights are beyond unnecessary and intrusive. Something similar to a wake ban with boats should be enforceable.

You should work on your grammar.

Then you are aware that native bottom feeders are protected. I have had to educate multiple bow fishers about this change and probably should have just turned them in.

It's not just annoying. It's a completely unnecessary level of invasive behavior while doing the legal fishing. The method by which people are bow fishing is ridiculous. One doesn't have to illuminate an area to the point where anyone around the lake can make impromptu shadow puppets. The illumination should have enforceable limitations.

Example of how unnecessary the illumination is: It's like driving around neighborhood streets with DOT construction lights to remove buckthorn in the middle of the night. It's stupid how much lighting people use.

Fair. I think it makes it easier for people to do now.

generally bow fishing for invasive carp

It's for rough fish, and some people aren't aware the laws have changed regarding this.

I care because it's a regular occurrence on the lake and annoying as fuck.

Thank you for posting this.

With the introduction of LEDs, I hate the lack of oversight.

I'm writing my reps to address this issue.

Pour in coffee grounds. Pour in boiling water. Then let it steep about ten minutes, stir it. When the grounds sink to the bottom you have a delicious pot of coffee.

Tried and true.

Thanks for the update! I was leaning toward that, especially considering you ended up with so many on you, and I haven't seen mites do that. But I'm no expert on mites and it could be a variety I don't know. When I think of mites outdoors, I immediately just think of clover mites and these did not look like those.

We protect our citizens, the environment, and cherish the arts. All of that is now based in law and the Legsy Act.

On a national level, we have a senior Senator involved in essential decision making.

Beyond all of it, we exemplify success for others to follow.

Edit: Legacy Act*

100% best state. Good politics with resources for continuous prosperity. Could be a target in the future due to natural resource scarcity.

I think I just read a satirical entry without understanding the purpose.

Confusing. Keep your stick on the ice, and don't forget to tip your waiter or waitress.

que Ketchup skit

I strongly recommend digging into the history of the of the Dakotah uprising.

This American Life does a good job introducing the topic.

There are many reads that chronicle the events, such as the Let Them Eat Grass books by John Koblas.

Deep dives will change your understanding of state history in a very important way. You will gain a perspective on historic figures in the state's early days. Figures such as the Wabasha chiefs, Ramsey, Sibley, and the Faribault family.

Edit: I'm not familiar with the podcast you referenced. I'll check it out. Judging by the name, it might already touches on this topic.

Edit 2: checking out that podcast, and it seems to have no connection to my reconnection.

Pedestrians are generally more entitled than cars in places like parking lots.

It's an action of mutual consideration.

The "thank you for respecting my safety, I'll respect your time" hustle.

Really hasn't been north let alone NE

Hah, fat chance. I don't go to Wisconsin unless I have to in order to buy fireworks.

Enjoy the State that's future was fucked by Scott Walker and anti education politics.

Just embrace that Wisconsin <Minnesota. Only then can you progress with a true role model.

False. Wisconsin calls a puddle a lake to inflate numbers. If you compare using the specs Minnesota uses to deem a body of water a lake, Minnesota has many, many more. Classic Wisconsin just making shit up.

One Resource describing that if Wisconsin used Minnesota's 10 acre minimum to declare water a lake, Minnesota has 11482 lakes and Wisconsin would have 5898.

Doesn't even compare, so don't even try.

As others have stated, driving has gotten worse since the pandemic.

Honestly, for your own safety, don't bring any aggression to the street. Yes, honking here qualifies as aggressive here and hand gestures even more so (obviously).

Honking is reserved for when you're preventing an accident or someone cuts you off. If you use it otherwise here you'll just piss people off, and you'll come off as an asshole.

Honking at others here is rare. Only use it when someone is beyond stupid on the road and endangering others or you are warning about something ahead.

If you're looking for a trip looking at the cloud pictures, look at the cloud in the lower left of the pictures.

I'm very happy you and others like it! Almost didn't post the pictures because I thought it would be fluff.

Actually, though... I didn't see the comparison until you said that.

Go ahead! As I said previously, I'd prefer that people download the Reddit version that gives credit.

I see the teddy bears. After a couple days looking at it, I also see a person sitting with a teddy bear rushing toward them. Best seen in the first two photos I shared.