You picking fights, acting defensive, and wasting everyone's time with this braindead nonsense.

Stop acting like child and go troll elsewhere.

No, you and the other person are being extremely weird acting like you can't possibly empty the vast majority of what's left after brushing with a good spit.

It's just not a major issue at all if you take a good spit, there's no additional saliva reserves hidden in your mouth somehow.

You don't hold an entire mouthful of toothpaste for 15 mins, dumbass. You spit it all out immediately and just don't rinse afterward.

Those are the ways.

Knowing another instrument gives you a tool with which to do your own songwriting, which adds value.

Knowing enough theory to communicate your ideas allows you to speak common language with your bandmates and makes them more likely to trust your judgement and value your opinions, thus adding value.

Being able to recognize cadences, chord functions, and basic harmony allows you to better analyze whether ideas are quality or workable, adding value.

I'm not sure I agree with the notion that one can't buy too much bass. If they buy a high-end six string with a bunch of confusing knobs and no idea how to adjust the thing to get it decently playable, they could easily experience buyer's remorse and get turned off from picking it up often.

I think it's best to keep things simple in the beginning and make the process easy, accessible, and low-risk.

Also, nice username.

Did you read the rest of my comment? I thought I did a fair bit of elaboration already.

So study up on some theory and bring more to the table. I felt that way for quite a while and once I broke from the mindset of "I'm just the drummer" and realized that I'm capable of being as well-rounded a musician as any other, I immediately saw my prospects improve. Suddenly, people wanted to jam with me more often and started seeking my opinions or collaborations in the writing process.

I would argue a drummer who's well-versed in their main instrument as well as competent on one or two others with even basic theory knowledge is a highly desirable musician.

No man, just no. Your thinking is so jaded and one-dimensional that you can't even see how silly this all sounds. You're talking about women as if they are a monolithic entity that all want the same thing. That's not reality. You're speaking in the broadest stereotypes that assumes women want the hottest guy possible. That's also untrue.

My wife's ex was far more coventionally attractive than I am and was much more physically fit as well. She's told me countless times how much more she prefers my "dad bod" to that dude's muscles because she finds them uncomfortable to cuddle with. He was also a smoker, an alcoholic, and didn't know shit about music. My wife and I are both musicians and that's the first thing we bonded over.

After you've recognized the important and desirable traits in a long-term partner, everything else takes a backseat or stops mattering entirely. Your assumption about women automatically wanting a "hotter" version of their partner doesn't track because that version doesn't actually exist. There may be hotter people in general, but it's the full spectrum of traits I've already mentioned that make a persons attractiveness add up to marriage material. Hopefully you can free yourself of these faulty notions.

which is actually illegal and if there was evidence for it, it would be penalized strongly.

I'm going to assume you either don't live in the US or have done almost no looking into the history of corporate welfare in America.

Antitrust laws have basically no regulatory power in the US as one certain political party has spent decades slowly repealing them and defunding the agencies responsible for oversight. Then there's the small matter of legalized bribery in the form of congressional lobbying that is very cool and totally okay to do because the law says money is free speech.

We take very good care of the monolithic companies that own the lawmakers here.

Therefore, if even an average women chooses to date an average guy, she's settling.

Again, you're conveniently leaving out almost all of the other relevant details of the person aside from looks.

What if hot guy is unemployed has an STD or is a convicted felon or gets violent and abusive when drinking or is a pathological liar or has a history of dating underage girls or has a crew of shithead friends or has horribly misogynistic views?

What if average guy has a great job and unique hobbies and a caring disposition and a great reputation for helping the less fortunate and always puts others before himself and demonstrates his values in his everyday actions rather than talking a big game and never expects anything in return for his generosity?

You should be smart enough to recognize that none of the surface-level things you mentioned happen in a vacuum. People are complex beings with detailed stories full of good and bad traits and all of that goes into the calculus of what women use to determine who will make a good partner. As much as you wish it were as simple as 'date the hottest guy possible', it's not the only thing they care about nor is it even close to the most important factor.

Head over to r/frugal to learn about people who bleach and reuse the same kitchen sponge for several years.

People tend to take any practical matter to its logical extremes when they make it their entire personality.

Goddamn, this is one of the dumbest series of drug-related decisions that I've ever read about. And I've done an absolute shitload of drugs in my day. Not the craziest by a long shot, but definitely one of the dumbest.

Believe me when I say it's an absolute miracle you're still alive. You took a large, unknown quantity of an unknown substance while already intoxicated on alcohol, which is very well-known for its ability to interact with and worsen the effects of other drugs, sometimes in a life-threatening way like with benzodiazepines.

Just a magnificent level of recklessness on display here. Glad you're okay though.

That's another faulty assumption. Good looks and ripped bodies don't inherently make sex amazing. You have to first give a shit about the other person's satisfaction and any women will likely be able to tell you horror stories of hot guys who were selfish lovers and just pounded to the finish and then rolled over and went to sleep. That's not good sex anymore than having a ten inch dong automatically makes you good at sex. Tons of women will tell you dicks over a certain size are just straight painful and not enjoyable at all. This is all just fiction from watching porn.

The best sex comes from two people who love each other and understand the other's needs. Communication is the biggest facilitator here.

Where did you get this nonsense idea?

In what sense could they possibly be "extras"? If a drummer walks offstage mid-set, people will notice. They are a crucial and fundamental part of the band.

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eBay link is broken. Remove the space.

I've been seeing the same lady for 20 years, she knows exactly what to do with minimal chatter. But she's extremely sweet and I don't mind talking to her anyway.

Well congrats, but my point is they aren't coming from Reddit. The only engagement on your hundreds of posts is people telling you to go away and all the rest have been removed for violating sub rules on spamming.

Doesn't seem very effective to me.

Seems like you badly misunderstand attraction and have made several faulty assumptions. The number one thing women are attracted to is confidence. There's tons of ugly to average dudes out there getting laid because they have a great personality and learned to work with what they got. Women can sniff out insecurity a mile away and that's the single biggest barrier for a guy, not being ugly.

None of the dudes I know with beautiful wives and happy families are ripped or otherwise especially good-looking. They are however kind, intelligent, interesting, and fun. Those are the things that truly matter. You are placing way too much value on superficial nonsense that fades with time.

I see you've spammed this to hundreds of subs with virtually no response. People universally hate being spammed with ads for stuff they didn't ask for and this message is about as spammy as they come. Maybe you should rethink your strategy, like trying to engage people in a conversation first before blasting your ad at them.

Also, hashtags do nothing on Reddit besides make the text larger.
